/* * <Short Description> * Copyright (C) 2024 Brett Terpstra * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <blt/gp/transformers.h> #include <blt/gp/program.h> #include <blt/std/ranges.h> #include <random> namespace blt::gp { blt::expected<crossover_t::result_t, crossover_t::error_t> crossover_t::apply(gp_program& program, const tree_t& p1, const tree_t& p2) // NOLINT { const auto& config = program.get_config(); result_t result{p1, p2}; #if BLT_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 BLT_INFO("Child 1 Stack empty? %s", result.child1.get_values().empty() ? "true" : "false"); BLT_INFO("Child 2 Stack empty? %s", result.child2.get_values().empty() ? "true" : "false"); #endif auto& c1 = result.child1; auto& c2 = result.child2; auto& c1_ops = c1.get_operations(); auto& c2_ops = c2.get_operations(); if (c1_ops.size() < 5 || c2_ops.size() < 5) return blt::unexpected(error_t::TREE_TOO_SMALL); std::uniform_int_distribution op_sel1(3ul, c1_ops.size() - 1); std::uniform_int_distribution op_sel2(3ul, c2_ops.size() - 1); blt::size_t crossover_point = op_sel1(program.get_random()); blt::size_t attempted_point = 0; const auto& crossover_point_type = program.get_operator_info(c1_ops[crossover_point].id); operator_info* attempted_point_type = nullptr; blt::size_t counter = 0; do { if (counter >= config.max_crossover_tries) { if (config.should_crossover_try_forward) { for (auto i = attempted_point + 1; i < c2_ops.size(); i++) { auto* info = &program.get_operator_info(c2_ops[i].id); if (info->return_type == crossover_point_type.return_type) { attempted_point = i; attempted_point_type = info; break; } } } // should we try again over the whole tree? probably not. return blt::unexpected(error_t::NO_VALID_TYPE); } else { attempted_point = op_sel2(program.get_random()); attempted_point_type = &program.get_operator_info(c2_ops[attempted_point].id); counter++; } } while (crossover_point_type.return_type != attempted_point_type->return_type); blt::i64 children_left = 0; blt::size_t index = crossover_point; do { const auto& type = program.get_operator_info(c1_ops[index].id); #if BLT_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 BLT_TRACE("Crossover type: %s, op %ld", std::string(program.get_typesystem().get_type(type.return_type).name()).c_str(), c1_ops[index].id); #endif if (type.argc.argc > 0) children_left += type.argc.argc; else children_left--; index++; } while (children_left > 0); auto crossover_point_begin_itr = c1_ops.begin() + static_cast<blt::ptrdiff_t>(crossover_point); auto crossover_point_end_itr = c1_ops.begin() + static_cast<blt::ptrdiff_t>(index); #if BLT_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 BLT_TRACE("[%ld %ld) %ld", crossover_point, index, index - crossover_point); #endif children_left = 0; index = attempted_point; do { const auto& type = program.get_operator_info(c2_ops[index].id); #if BLT_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 BLT_TRACE("Found type: %s, op: %ld", std::string(program.get_typesystem().get_type(type.return_type).name()).c_str(), c2_ops[index].id); #endif if (type.argc.argc > 0) children_left += type.argc.argc; else children_left--; index++; } while (children_left > 0); auto found_point_begin_itr = c2_ops.begin() + static_cast<blt::ptrdiff_t>(attempted_point); auto found_point_end_itr = c2_ops.begin() + static_cast<blt::ptrdiff_t>(index); #if BLT_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 BLT_TRACE("[%ld %ld) %ld", attempted_point, index, index - attempted_point); #endif stack_allocator& c1_stack_init = c1.get_values(); stack_allocator& c2_stack_init = c2.get_values(); std::vector<op_container_t> c1_operators; std::vector<op_container_t> c2_operators; for (const auto& op : blt::enumerate(crossover_point_begin_itr, crossover_point_end_itr)) c1_operators.push_back(op); for (const auto& op : blt::enumerate(found_point_begin_itr, found_point_end_itr)) c2_operators.push_back(op); #if BLT_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 BLT_TRACE("Sizes: %ld %ld || Ops size: %ld %ld", c1_operators.size(), c2_operators.size(), c1_ops.size(), c2_ops.size()); #endif stack_allocator c1_stack_after_copy; stack_allocator c1_stack_for_copy; stack_allocator c2_stack_after_copy; stack_allocator c2_stack_for_copy; #if BLT_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 BLT_DEBUG("Transferring past crossover 1:"); #endif // transfer all values after the crossover point. these will need to be transferred back to child2 for (auto it = c1_ops.end() - 1; it != crossover_point_end_itr - 1; it--) { if (it->is_value) it->transfer(c1_stack_after_copy, c1_stack_init); } #if BLT_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 BLT_DEBUG("Transferring for crossover 1:"); #endif // transfer all values for the crossover point. for (auto it = crossover_point_end_itr - 1; it != crossover_point_begin_itr - 1; it--) { if (it->is_value) it->transfer(c1_stack_for_copy, c1_stack_init); } #if BLT_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 BLT_DEBUG("Transferring past crossover 2:"); #endif // transfer child2 values for copying back into c1 for (auto it = c2_ops.end() - 1; it != found_point_end_itr - 1; it--) { if (it->is_value) it->transfer(c2_stack_after_copy, c2_stack_init); } #if BLT_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 BLT_DEBUG("Transferring for crossover 2:"); #endif for (auto it = found_point_end_itr - 1; it != found_point_begin_itr - 1; it--) { if (it->is_value) it->transfer(c2_stack_for_copy, c2_stack_init); } #if BLT_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 BLT_DEBUG("Transferring back for crossover 1:"); #endif // now copy back into the respective children for (auto it = found_point_begin_itr; it != found_point_end_itr; it++) { if (it->is_value) it->transfer(c1.get_values(), c2_stack_for_copy); } #if BLT_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 BLT_DEBUG("Transferring back for crossover 2:"); #endif for (auto it = crossover_point_begin_itr; it != crossover_point_end_itr; it++) { if (it->is_value) it->transfer(c2.get_values(), c1_stack_for_copy); } #if BLT_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 BLT_DEBUG("Transferring back after crossover 1:"); #endif // now copy after the crossover point back to the correct children for (auto it = crossover_point_end_itr; it != c1_ops.end(); it++) { if (it->is_value) it->transfer(c1.get_values(), c1_stack_after_copy); } #if BLT_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 BLT_DEBUG("Transferring back after crossover 2:"); #endif for (auto it = found_point_end_itr; it != c2_ops.end(); it++) { if (it->is_value) it->transfer(c2.get_values(), c2_stack_after_copy); } // now swap the operators auto insert_point_c1 = crossover_point_begin_itr - 1; auto insert_point_c2 = found_point_begin_itr - 1; // invalidates [begin, end()) so the insert points should be fine c1_ops.erase(crossover_point_begin_itr, crossover_point_end_itr); c2_ops.erase(found_point_begin_itr, found_point_end_itr); c1_ops.insert(++insert_point_c1, c2_operators.begin(), c2_operators.end()); c2_ops.insert(++insert_point_c2, c1_operators.begin(), c1_operators.end()); return result; } }