/* * * Copyright (C) 2024 Brett Terpstra * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace blt::gp { // this one will copy previous bytes over template blt::span get_pointer_for_size(blt::size_t size) { static blt::span buffer{nullptr, 0}; if (buffer.size() < size) { delete[] buffer.data(); buffer = {new blt::u8[size], size}; } return buffer; } std::ostream& create_indent(std::ostream& out, blt::size_t amount, bool pretty_print) { if (!pretty_print) return out; for (blt::size_t i = 0; i < amount; i++) out << '\t'; return out; } std::string_view end_indent(bool pretty_print) { return pretty_print ? "\n" : ""; } std::string get_return_type(gp_program& program, type_id id, bool use_returns) { if (!use_returns) return ""; return "(" + std::string(program.get_typesystem().get_type(id).name()) + ")"; } void tree_t::print(gp_program& program, std::ostream& out, bool print_literals, bool pretty_print, bool include_types) const { std::stack arguments_left; blt::size_t indent = 0; stack_allocator reversed; if (print_literals) { // I hate this. stack_allocator copy = values; // reverse the order of the stack for (const auto& v : operations) { if (v.is_value) copy.transfer_bytes(reversed, v.type_size); } } for (const auto& v : operations) { auto info = program.get_operator_info(v.id); auto name = program.get_name(v.id) ? program.get_name(v.id).value() : "NULL"; auto return_type = get_return_type(program, info.return_type, include_types); if (info.argc.argc > 0) { create_indent(out, indent, pretty_print) << "("; indent++; arguments_left.emplace(info.argc.argc); out << name << return_type << end_indent(pretty_print); } else { if (print_literals) { create_indent(out, indent, pretty_print); if (program.is_static(v.id)) { program.get_print_func(v.id)(out, reversed); reversed.pop_bytes(stack_allocator::aligned_size(v.type_size)); } else out << name; out << return_type << end_indent(pretty_print); } else create_indent(out, indent, pretty_print) << name << return_type << end_indent(pretty_print); } while (!arguments_left.empty()) { auto top = arguments_left.top(); arguments_left.pop(); if (top == 0) { indent--; create_indent(out, indent, pretty_print) << ")" << end_indent(pretty_print); continue; } else { if (!pretty_print) out << " "; arguments_left.push(top - 1); break; } } } while (!arguments_left.empty()) { auto top = arguments_left.top(); arguments_left.pop(); if (top == 0) { indent--; create_indent(out, indent, pretty_print) << ")" << end_indent(pretty_print); continue; } else { BLT_ERROR("Failed to print tree correctly!"); break; } } out << '\n'; } blt::size_t tree_t::get_depth(gp_program& program) { blt::size_t depth = 0; auto operations_stack = operations; std::vector values_process; std::vector value_stack; for (const auto& op : operations_stack) { if (op.is_value) value_stack.push_back(1); } while (!operations_stack.empty()) { auto operation = operations_stack.back(); // keep the last value in the stack on the process stack stored in the eval context, this way it can be accessed easily. operations_stack.pop_back(); if (operation.is_value) { auto d = value_stack.back(); depth = std::max(depth, d); values_process.push_back(d); value_stack.pop_back(); continue; } blt::size_t local_depth = 0; for (blt::size_t i = 0; i < program.get_operator_info(operation.id).argc.argc; i++) { local_depth = std::max(local_depth, values_process.back()); values_process.pop_back(); } value_stack.push_back(local_depth + 1); operations_stack.emplace_back(operation.type_size, operation.id, true); } return depth; } blt::ptrdiff_t tree_t::find_endpoint(gp_program& program, blt::ptrdiff_t index) const { blt::i64 children_left = 0; do { const auto& type = program.get_operator_info(operations[index].id); // this is a child to someone if (children_left != 0) children_left--; if (type.argc.argc > 0) children_left += type.argc.argc; index++; } while (children_left > 0); return index; } // this function doesn't work! blt::ptrdiff_t tree_t::find_parent(gp_program& program, blt::ptrdiff_t index) const { blt::i64 children_left = 0; do { if (index == 0) return 0; const auto& type = program.get_operator_info(operations[index].id); if (type.argc.argc > 0) children_left -= type.argc.argc; children_left++; if (children_left <= 0) break; --index; } while (true); return index; } bool tree_t::check(gp_program& program, void* context) const { blt::size_t bytes_expected = 0; auto bytes_size = values.size().total_used_bytes; for (const auto& op : get_operations()) { if (op.is_value) bytes_expected += stack_allocator::aligned_size(op.type_size); } if (bytes_expected != bytes_size) { BLT_WARN_STREAM << "Stack state: " << values.size() << "\n"; BLT_WARN("Child tree bytes %ld vs expected %ld, difference: %ld", bytes_size, bytes_expected, static_cast(bytes_expected) - static_cast(bytes_size)); BLT_WARN("Amount of bytes in stack doesn't match the number of bytes expected for the operations"); return false; } // copy the initial values evaluation_context results{}; auto value_stack = values; auto& values_process = results.values; blt::size_t total_produced = 0; blt::size_t total_consumed = 0; // for (const auto& operation : blt::reverse_iterate(operations.begin(), operations.end())) // { // if (operation.is_value) // { // value_stack.transfer_bytes(values_process, operation.type_size); // total_produced += stack_allocator::aligned_size(operation.type_size); // bitfield.push_back(false); // continue; // } // auto& info = program.get_operator_info(operation.id); // for (auto& arg : info.argument_types) // total_consumed += stack_allocator::aligned_size(program.get_typesystem().get_type(arg).size()); // operation.func(context, values_process, values_process, &bitfield); // bitfield.push_back(true); // total_produced += stack_allocator::aligned_size(program.get_typesystem().get_type(info.return_type).size()); // } auto v1 = results.values.bytes_in_head(); auto v2 = static_cast(stack_allocator::aligned_size(operations.front().type_size)); if (v1 != v2) { auto vd = std::abs(v1 - v2); BLT_ERROR("found %ld bytes expected %ld bytes, total difference: %ld", v1, v2, vd); BLT_ERROR("Total Produced %ld || Total Consumed %ld || Total Difference %ld", total_produced, total_consumed, std::abs(static_cast(total_produced) - static_cast(total_consumed))); return false; } return true; } void tree_t::find_child_extends(gp_program& program, std::vector& vec, blt::size_t parent_node, blt::size_t argc) const { while (vec.size() < argc) { auto current_point = vec.size(); child_t prev{}; if (current_point == 0) { // first child. prev = {static_cast(parent_node + 1), find_endpoint(program, static_cast(parent_node + 1))}; vec.push_back(prev); continue; } else prev = vec[current_point - 1]; child_t next = {prev.end, find_endpoint(program, prev.end)}; vec.push_back(next); } } tree_t::tree_t(gp_program& program): func(&program.get_eval_func()) { } }