#pragma once /* * Copyright (C) 2024 Brett Terpstra * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef BLT_GP_STATS_H #define BLT_GP_STATS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace blt::gp { class allocation_tracker_t { public: class tl_t { friend allocation_tracker_t; public: [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getAllocations() const { return get_map(allocations); } [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getDeallocations() const { return get_map(deallocations); } [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getAllocatedBytes() const { return get_map(allocated_bytes); } [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getDeallocatedBytes() const { return get_map(deallocated_bytes); } [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getAllocationDifference() const { return std::abs(static_cast(getAllocations()) - static_cast(getDeallocations())); } [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getCurrentlyAllocatedBytes() const { return getAllocatedBytes() - getDeallocatedBytes(); } private: blt::hashmap_t> allocations; blt::hashmap_t> deallocations; blt::hashmap_t> allocated_bytes; blt::hashmap_t> deallocated_bytes; std::mutex mutex; std::condition_variable var; }; struct allocation_data_t { blt::u64 start_allocations = 0; blt::u64 start_deallocations = 0; blt::u64 start_allocated_bytes = 0; blt::u64 start_deallocated_bytes = 0; blt::u64 end_allocations = 0; blt::u64 end_deallocations = 0; blt::u64 end_allocated_bytes = 0; blt::u64 end_deallocated_bytes = 0; [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getAllocationDifference() const { return end_allocations - start_allocations; } [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getDeallocationDifference() const { return end_deallocations - start_deallocations; } [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getAllocatedByteDifference() const { return end_allocated_bytes - start_allocated_bytes; } [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getDeallocatedByteDifference() const { return end_deallocated_bytes - start_deallocated_bytes; } void pretty_print(const std::string& name) const; }; void reserve() { { std::scoped_lock lock(tl.mutex); tl.allocations.insert({std::this_thread::get_id(), std::make_unique()}); tl.deallocations.insert({std::this_thread::get_id(), std::make_unique()}); tl.allocated_bytes.insert({std::this_thread::get_id(), std::make_unique()}); tl.deallocated_bytes.insert({std::this_thread::get_id(), std::make_unique()}); } tl.var.notify_all(); } blt::size_t reserved_threads() { return tl.allocations.size(); } void await_thread_loading_complete(blt::u64 required_threads) { std::unique_lock lock(tl.mutex); tl.var.wait(lock, [this, required_threads]() { return reserved_threads() == required_threads; }); } void allocate(blt::size_t bytes) { allocations++; allocated_bytes += bytes; auto diff = getCurrentlyAllocatedBytes(); auto atomic_val = peak_allocated_bytes.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); while (diff > atomic_val && !peak_allocated_bytes.compare_exchange_weak(atomic_val, diff, std::memory_order_relaxed, std::memory_order_relaxed)); add_map(tl.allocations, 1); add_map(tl.allocated_bytes, bytes); } void deallocate(blt::size_t bytes) { deallocations++; deallocated_bytes += bytes; add_map(tl.deallocations, 1); add_map(tl.deallocated_bytes, bytes); } [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getAllocations() const { return allocations; } [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getDeallocations() const { return deallocations; } [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getAllocatedBytes() const { return allocated_bytes; } [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getDeallocatedBytes() const { return deallocated_bytes; } [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getAllocationDifference() const { return std::abs(static_cast(getAllocations()) - static_cast(getDeallocations())); } [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getCurrentlyAllocatedBytes() const { return getAllocatedBytes() - getDeallocatedBytes(); } [[nodiscard]] blt::u64 getPeakAllocatedBytes() const { return peak_allocated_bytes; } allocation_tracker_t::tl_t& get_thread_local() { return tl; } [[nodiscard]] allocation_data_t start_measurement() const { allocation_data_t data{}; data.start_allocations = getAllocations(); data.start_deallocations = getDeallocations(); data.start_allocated_bytes = getAllocatedBytes(); data.start_deallocated_bytes = getDeallocatedBytes(); return data; } [[nodiscard]] allocation_data_t start_measurement_thread_local() const { allocation_data_t data{}; data.start_allocations = tl.getAllocations(); data.start_deallocations = tl.getDeallocations(); data.start_allocated_bytes = tl.getAllocatedBytes(); data.start_deallocated_bytes = tl.getDeallocatedBytes(); return data; } void stop_measurement(allocation_data_t& data) const { data.end_allocations = getAllocations(); data.end_deallocations = getDeallocations(); data.end_allocated_bytes = getAllocatedBytes(); data.end_deallocated_bytes = getDeallocatedBytes(); } void stop_measurement_thread_local(allocation_data_t& data) const { data.end_allocations = tl.getAllocations(); data.end_deallocations = tl.getDeallocations(); data.end_allocated_bytes = tl.getAllocatedBytes(); data.end_deallocated_bytes = tl.getDeallocatedBytes(); } private: static void add_map(blt::hashmap_t>& map, blt::u64 value) { auto l = map.find(std::this_thread::get_id()); if (l == map.end()) BLT_ABORT("Thread doesn't exist inside this map!"); auto& v = *l->second; v += value; } static blt::u64 get_map(const blt::hashmap_t>& map) { auto l = map.find(std::this_thread::get_id()); if (l == map.end()) BLT_ABORT("Thread doesn't exist inside this map!"); return *l->second; } tl_t tl; std::atomic_uint64_t allocations = 0; std::atomic_uint64_t deallocations = 0; std::atomic_uint64_t allocated_bytes = 0; std::atomic_uint64_t deallocated_bytes = 0; std::atomic_uint64_t peak_allocated_bytes = 0; }; class call_tracker_t { public: struct call_data_t { blt::u64 start_calls = 0; blt::u64 start_value = 0; blt::u64 end_calls = 0; blt::u64 end_value = 0; [[nodiscard]] inline auto get_call_difference() const { return end_calls - start_calls; } [[nodiscard]] inline auto get_value_difference() const { return end_value - start_value; } }; void value(blt::u64 value) { secondary_value += value; } void set_value(blt::u64 value) { secondary_value = value; } void call() { primary_calls++; } void call(blt::u64 v) { primary_calls++; value(v); } [[nodiscard]] auto get_calls() const { return primary_calls.load(); } [[nodiscard]] auto get_value() const { return secondary_value.load(); } call_data_t start_measurement() const { return {primary_calls.load(), secondary_value.load()}; } void stop_measurement(call_data_t& data) const { data.end_calls = primary_calls.load(); data.end_value = secondary_value.load(); } private: std::atomic_uint64_t primary_calls = 0; std::atomic_uint64_t secondary_value = 0; }; } #endif //BLT_GP_STATS_H