#include "crow.h" #include <string> #include <vector> #include <chrono> using namespace std; vector<string> msgs; vector<pair<crow::response*, decltype(chrono::steady_clock::now())>> ress; void broadcast(const string& msg) { msgs.push_back(msg); crow::json::wvalue x; x["msgs"][0] = msgs.back(); x["last"] = msgs.size(); string body = x.dump(); for (auto p : ress) { auto* res = p.first; CROW_LOG_DEBUG << res << " replied: " << body; res->end(body); } ress.clear(); } // To see how it works go on {ip}:40080 but I just got it working with external build (not directly in IDE, I guess a problem with dependency) int main() { crow::SimpleApp app; crow::mustache::set_base("."); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/") ([] { crow::mustache::context ctx; return crow::mustache::load("example_chat.html").render(); }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/logs") ([] { CROW_LOG_INFO << "logs requested"; crow::json::wvalue x; int start = max(0, (int)msgs.size() - 100); for (int i = start; i < (int)msgs.size(); i++) x["msgs"][i - start] = msgs[i]; x["last"] = msgs.size(); CROW_LOG_INFO << "logs completed"; return x; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/logs/<int>") ([](const crow::request& /*req*/, crow::response& res, int after) { CROW_LOG_INFO << "logs with last " << after; if (after < (int)msgs.size()) { crow::json::wvalue x; for (int i = after; i < (int)msgs.size(); i++) x["msgs"][i - after] = msgs[i]; x["last"] = msgs.size(); res.write(x.dump()); res.end(); } else { vector<pair<crow::response*, decltype(chrono::steady_clock::now())>> filtered; for (auto p : ress) { if (p.first->is_alive() && chrono::steady_clock::now() - p.second < chrono::seconds(30)) filtered.push_back(p); else p.first->end(); } ress.swap(filtered); ress.push_back({&res, chrono::steady_clock::now()}); CROW_LOG_DEBUG << &res << " stored " << ress.size(); } }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/send") .methods("GET"_method, "POST"_method)([](const crow::request& req) { CROW_LOG_INFO << "msg from client: " << req.body; broadcast(req.body); return ""; }); app.port(40080) //.multithreaded() .run(); }