2024-06-09 12:31:56 -04:00
import argparse
import json
2024-06-09 18:36:36 -04:00
import requests
import time
import sched
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from pathlib import Path
class Env:
def __init__(self, username, api_key):
self.username = username
self.api_key = api_key
class Zone:
2024-06-09 18:36:36 -04:00
def __init__(self, zone_name, env, records):
self.zone_name = zone_name
2024-06-09 12:31:56 -04:00
self.env = env
self.records = records
2024-06-09 18:36:36 -04:00
self.zone_id = None
class Zones:
def __init__(self, ip_provider, r_zones):
self.ip_provider = ip_provider
self.zones = r_zones
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def parse_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Silly little DDNS client", prog="Brett's DDNS Client")
2024-06-09 18:36:36 -04:00
parser.add_argument("--env", "-e", default="/etc/bddns/users.conf", required=False)
parser.add_argument("--config", "-c", default="/etc/bddns/sites.conf", required=False)
parser.add_argument("--time", "-u", default=300, required=False, help="Time between updates in seconds")
parser.add_argument("--install", action="store_true", default=False, required=False,
help="Runs installer, will create config files")
2024-06-09 12:31:56 -04:00
return parser.parse_args()
def get_env(env_path):
with open(env_path, "r") as f:
json_env = json.load(f)
envs = {}
for user in json_env["users"]:
envs[user['username']] = Env(user['username'], user['api_key'])
return envs
def get_conf(conf_path, envs):
with open(conf_path, "r") as f:
json_env = json.load(f)
zones = []
for zone in json_env["zones"]:
sites = []
for site in zone["sites"]:
2024-06-09 18:36:36 -04:00
zones.append(Zone(zone["zone"], envs[zone["username"]], sites))
return Zones(json_env["ip_provider"], zones)
def run_install():
config_folder = Path("/etc/bddns/")
users_path = Path(config_folder / "users.conf")
sites_path = Path(config_folder / "sites.conf")
print(f"Installing to {config_folder}")
print(f"\tUsers path: {users_path}")
print(f"\tSites path: {sites_path}")
if not config_folder.is_dir():
if not users_path.exists():
with open(users_path, "w") as f:
json.dump({"users": [
{"username": "user@email.com", "api_key": "<KEY>"},
{"username": "another-user@email.com", "api_key": "<KEY>"},
]}, f, indent=4)
print(f"Warning {users_path} already exists, skipping!")
if not sites_path.exists():
with open(sites_path, "w") as f:
"ip_provider": "https://api.ipify.org/",
"zones": [
"zone": "<zone_name.tld>",
"username": "user@email.com",
"sites": [
}, f, indent=4)
print(f"Warning {sites_path} already exists, skipping!")
def fetch_ip(provider):
print(f"Fetching IP Address with '{provider}'")
r = requests.get(provider)
return r.text
def fetch_zone_id(zone_name, key):
2024-06-11 21:58:37 -04:00
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {key}",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
r = requests.get(f"https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones", headers=headers)
if r.status_code == 200:
data = json.loads(r.text)
results = data["result"]
for result in results:
if result["name"] == zone_name:
return result["id"]
print("Failed to find zone id, does this zone exist?")
return None
print(f"Error has occurred, status code: {r.status_code}")
return None
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def run(scheduler, r_args, r_envs, r_zones):
scheduler.enter(r_args.time, 1, run, (scheduler, r_args, r_envs, r_zones))
address = fetch_ip(r_zones.ip_provider)
for zone in r_zones.zones:
user = zone.env
if zone.zone_id is None:
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zone.zone_id = fetch_zone_id(zone.zone_name, user.api_key)
2024-06-09 12:31:56 -04:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_arguments()
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if args.install:
2024-06-11 21:58:37 -04:00
m_user_envs = get_env(args.env)
m_zones = get_conf(args.config, m_user_envs)
for v_zone in m_zones.zones:
print(fetch_zone_id(v_zone.zone_name, v_zone.env.api_key))
#runner = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)
#runner.enter(args.time, 1, run, (runner, args, user_envs, zones))