172 lines
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172 lines
6.2 KiB
Implemented example from here https://www.tutorialspoint.com/sqlite/sqlite_select_query.htm.
#include <sqlite_orm/sqlite_orm.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace sqlite_orm;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::make_unique;
using std::string;
void all_employees() {
struct Employee {
int id;
std::string name;
int age;
std::unique_ptr<std::string> address; // optional
std::unique_ptr<double> salary; // optional
auto storage = make_storage("select.sqlite",
make_column("ID", &Employee::id, primary_key()),
make_column("NAME", &Employee::name),
make_column("AGE", &Employee::age),
make_column("ADDRESS", &Employee::address),
make_column("SALARY", &Employee::salary)));
storage.remove_all<Employee>(); // remove all old employees in case they exist in db..
// create employees..
Employee paul{-1, "Paul", 32, make_unique<string>("California"), make_unique<double>(20000.0)};
Employee allen{-1, "Allen", 25, make_unique<string>("Texas"), make_unique<double>(15000.0)};
Employee teddy{-1, "Teddy", 23, make_unique<string>("Norway"), make_unique<double>(20000.0)};
Employee mark{-1, "Mark", 25, make_unique<string>("Rich-Mond"), make_unique<double>(65000.0)};
Employee david{-1, "David", 27, make_unique<string>("Texas"), make_unique<double>(85000.0)};
Employee kim{-1, "Kim", 22, make_unique<string>("South-Hall"), make_unique<double>(45000.0)};
Employee james{-1, "James", 24, make_unique<string>("Houston"), make_unique<double>(10000.0)};
// insert employees. `insert` function returns id of inserted object..
paul.id = storage.insert(paul);
allen.id = storage.insert(allen);
teddy.id = storage.insert(teddy);
mark.id = storage.insert(mark);
david.id = storage.insert(david);
kim.id = storage.insert(kim);
james.id = storage.insert(james);
// print users..
cout << "paul = " << storage.dump(paul) << endl;
cout << "allen = " << storage.dump(allen) << endl;
cout << "teddy = " << storage.dump(teddy) << endl;
cout << "mark = " << storage.dump(mark) << endl;
cout << "david = " << storage.dump(david) << endl;
cout << "kim = " << storage.dump(kim) << endl;
cout << "james = " << storage.dump(james) << endl;
// select all employees..
auto allEmployees = storage.get_all<Employee>();
cout << "allEmployees[0] = " << storage.dump(allEmployees[0]) << endl;
cout << "allEmployees count = " << allEmployees.size() << endl;
// now let's select id, name and salary..
auto idsNamesSalarys = storage.select(columns(&Employee::id, &Employee::name, &Employee::salary));
for(auto& row: idsNamesSalarys) { // row's type is tuple<int, string, unique_ptr<double>>
cout << "id = " << get<0>(row) << ", name = " << get<1>(row) << ", salary = ";
if(get<2>(row)) {
cout << *get<2>(row);
} else {
cout << "null";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
auto allEmployeeTuples = storage.select(asterisk<Employee>());
cout << "allEmployeeTuples count = " << allEmployeeTuples.size() << endl;
for(auto& row: allEmployeeTuples) { // row's type is std::tuple<int, string, int, std::unique_ptr<string>,
// std::unique_ptr<double>>
cout << get<0>(row) << '\t' << get<1>(row) << '\t' << get<2>(row) << '\t';
if(auto& value = get<3>(row)) {
cout << *value;
} else {
cout << "null";
cout << '\t';
if(auto& value = get<4>(row)) {
cout << *value;
} else {
cout << "null";
cout << '\t' << endl;
cout << endl;
auto allEmployeeObjects = storage.select(object<Employee>());
cout << "allEmployeeObjects count = " << allEmployeeObjects.size() << endl;
for(auto& employee: allEmployeeObjects) {
cout << employee.id << '\t' << employee.name << '\t' << employee.age << '\t';
if(auto& value = employee.address) {
cout << *value;
} else {
cout << "null";
cout << '\t';
if(auto& value = employee.salary) {
cout << *value;
} else {
cout << "null";
cout << '\t' << endl;
cout << endl;
void all_artists() {
struct Artist {
int id;
std::string name;
struct Album {
int id;
int artist_id;
auto storage = make_storage("",
make_column("id", &Artist::id, primary_key().autoincrement()),
make_column("name", &Artist::name)),
make_column("id", &Album::id, primary_key().autoincrement()),
make_column("artist_id", &Album::artist_id),
storage.transaction([&storage] {
auto artistPk = storage.insert(Artist{-1, "Artist"});
storage.insert(Album{-1, artistPk});
storage.insert(Album{-1, artistPk});
return true;
// SELECT artists.*, albums.* FROM artists JOIN albums ON albums.artist_id = artist.id
cout << "artists.*, albums.*\n";
// row's type is std::tuple<int, std::string, id, int>
for(auto& row: storage.select(columns(asterisk<Artist>(), asterisk<Album>()),
join<Album>(on(c(&Album::artist_id) == &Artist::id)))) {
cout << get<0>(row) << '\t' << get<1>(row) << '\t' << get<2>(row) << '\t' << get<3>(row) << '\n';
cout << endl;
int main() {
try {
} catch(const std::system_error& e) {
cout << "[" << e.code() << "] " << e.what();
return 0;