2290 lines
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2290 lines
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* D++, A Lightweight C++ library for Discord
* Copyright 2021 Craig Edwards and D++ contributors
* (https://github.com/brainboxdotcc/DPP/graphs/contributors)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <dpp/export.h>
#include <dpp/queues.h>
#include <dpp/snowflake.h>
#include <dpp/managed.h>
#include <dpp/user.h>
#include <dpp/channel.h>
#include <dpp/guild.h>
#include <optional>
#include <variant>
#include <dpp/json_fwd.h>
#include <dpp/json_interface.h>
namespace dpp {
* @brief Represents the type of a component
enum component_type : uint8_t {
* @brief Action row, a container for other components.
cot_action_row = 1,
* @brief Clickable button.
cot_button = 2,
* @brief Select menu for picking from defined text options.
cot_selectmenu = 3,
* @brief Text input.
cot_text = 4,
* @brief Select menu for users.
cot_user_selectmenu = 5,
* @brief Select menu for roles.
cot_role_selectmenu = 6,
* @brief Select menu for mentionables (users and roles).
cot_mentionable_selectmenu = 7,
* @brief Select menu for channels.
cot_channel_selectmenu = 8,
* @brief An emoji for a component (select menus included).
* To set an emoji on your button, you must set one of either the name or id fields.
* The easiest way is to use the dpp::component::set_emoji method.
* @note This is a **very** scaled down version of dpp::emoji, we advise that you refrain from using this.
struct component_emoji {
* @brief The name of the emoji.
* For built in unicode emojis, set this to the
* actual unicode value of the emoji e.g. "😄"
* and not for example ":smile:"
std::string name{""};
* @brief The emoji ID value for emojis that are custom
* ones belonging to a guild.
* The same rules apply as with other emojis,
* that the bot must be on the guild where the emoji resides
* and it must be available for use
* (e.g. not disabled due to lack of boosts, etc)
dpp::snowflake id{0};
* @brief Is the emoji animated?
* @note Only applies to custom emojis.
bool animated{false};
* @brief The data for a file attached to a message.
* @todo Change the naming of this and make stickers (and potentially anything else that has data like this) use this.
struct message_file_data {
* @brief Name of file to upload (for use server-side in discord's url).
std::string name{};
* @brief File content to upload (raw binary)
std::string content{};
* @brief Mime type of files to upload.
* @todo Look at turning this into an enum? This would allow people to easily compare mimetypes if they happen to change.
std::string mimetype{};
* @brief Types of text input
enum text_style_type : uint8_t {
* @brief Intended for short single-line text.
text_short = 1,
* @brief Intended for much longer inputs.
text_paragraph = 2,
* @brief Represents the style of a button
enum component_style : uint8_t {
* @brief Blurple
cos_primary = 1,
* @brief Grey
* @brief Green
* @brief Red
* @brief An external hyperlink to a website
* Represents the type of a dpp::component_default_value
* @note They're different to discord's value types
enum component_default_value_type: uint8_t {
cdt_user = 0,
cdt_role = 1,
cdt_channel = 2,
* @brief A Default value structure for components
struct DPP_EXPORT component_default_value {
* @brief The type this default value represents
component_default_value_type type;
* @brief Default value. ID of a user, role, or channel
dpp::snowflake id;
* @brief An option for a select component
struct DPP_EXPORT select_option : public json_interface<select_option> {
friend struct json_interface<select_option>;
/** Read class values from json object
* @param j A json object to read from
* @return A reference to self
select_option& fill_from_json_impl(nlohmann::json* j);
* @brief User-facing name of the option
std::string label;
* @brief Dev-defined value of the option
std::string value;
* @brief Additional description of the option
std::string description;
* @brief True if option is the default option
bool is_default;
* @brief The emoji for the select option.
component_emoji emoji;
* @brief Construct a new select option object
* @brief Destructs the select option object.
virtual ~select_option() = default;
* @brief Construct a new select option object
* @param label Label of option
* @param value Value of option
* @param description Description of option
select_option(const std::string &label, const std::string &value, const std::string &description = "");
* @brief Set the label
* @param l the user-facing name of the option. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 100 UTF-8 characters.
* @return select_option& reference to self for chaining
select_option& set_label(const std::string &l);
* @brief Set the value
* @param v value to set. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 100 UTF-8 characters.
* @return select_option& reference to self for chaining
select_option& set_value(const std::string &v);
* @brief Set the description
* @param d description to set. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 100 UTF-8 characters.
* @return select_option& reference to self for chaining
select_option& set_description(const std::string &d);
* @brief Set the emoji
* @param n emoji name
* @param id emoji id for custom emojis
* @param animated true if animated emoji
* @return select_option& reference to self for chaining
select_option& set_emoji(const std::string &n, dpp::snowflake id = 0, bool animated = false);
* @brief Set the option as default
* @param def true to set the option as default
* @return select_option& reference to self for chaining
select_option& set_default(bool def);
* @brief Set the emoji as animated
* @param anim true if animated
* @return select_option& reference to self for chaining
select_option& set_animated(bool anim);
* @brief Represents the component object.
* A component is a clickable button or drop down list
* within a discord message, where the buttons emit
* on_button_click events when the user interacts with
* them.
* You should generally define one component object and
* then insert one or more additional components into it
* using component::add_component(), so that the parent
* object is an action row and the child objects are buttons.
class DPP_EXPORT component : public json_interface<component> {
friend struct json_interface<component>;
/** Read class values from json object
* @param j A json object to read from
* @return A reference to self
component& fill_from_json_impl(nlohmann::json* j);
* @brief Component type, either a button or action row
component_type type;
* @brief Sub components, buttons on an action row
std::vector<component> components;
* @brief Component label (for buttons, text inputs).
* Maximum of 80 characters.
std::string label;
* @brief Component style (for buttons).
component_style style;
* @brief Text style (for text inputs).
text_style_type text_style;
* @brief Component id (for buttons, menus, text inputs).
* Maximum of 100 characters.
std::string custom_id;
* @brief URL for link types (dpp::cos_link).
* Maximum of 512 characters.
std::string url;
* @brief Placeholder text for select menus and text inputs (max 150 characters)
std::string placeholder;
* @brief Minimum number of items that must be chosen for a select menu (0-25).
* @note Use -1 to not set this. This is done by default.
int32_t min_values;
* @brief Maximum number of items that can be chosen for a select menu (0-25).
* @note Use -1 to not set this. This is done by default.
int32_t max_values;
* @brief Minimum length for text input (0-4000)
int32_t min_length;
* @brief Maximum length for text input (1-4000)
int32_t max_length;
* @brief Select options for select menus.
* @warning Only required and available for select menus of type dpp::cot_selectmenu
std::vector<select_option> options;
* @brief List of channel types (dpp::channel_type) to include in the channel select component (dpp::cot_channel_selectmenu)
std::vector<uint8_t> channel_types;
* @brief List of default values for auto-populated select menu components.
* @note The amount of default values must be in the range defined by dpp::component::min_values and dpp::component::max_values.
* @warning Only available for auto-populated select menu components, which include dpp::cot_user_selectmenu, dpp::cot_role_selectmenu, dpp::cot_mentionable_selectmenu, and dpp::cot_channel_selectmenu components.
std::vector<component_default_value> default_values;
* @brief Disabled flag (for buttons)
bool disabled;
* @brief Whether the text input is required to be filled
bool required;
* @brief Value of the modal.
* Filled or valid when populated from an on_form_submit event, or from the set_value function.
std::variant<std::monostate, std::string, int64_t, double> value;
* @brief The emoji for this component.
component_emoji emoji;
* @brief Constructor
* @brief Destructor
virtual ~component() = default;
* @brief Add a channel type to include in the channel select component (dpp::cot_channel_selectmenu)
* @param ct The dpp::channel_type
* @return component& reference to self
component& add_channel_type(uint8_t ct);
* @brief Set the type of the component. Button components
* (type dpp::cot_button) should always be contained within
* an action row (type dpp::cot_action_row). As described
* below, many of the other methods automatically set this
* to the correct type so usually you should not need to
* manually call component::set_type().
* @param ct The component type
* @return component& reference to self
component& set_type(component_type ct);
* @brief Set the text style of a text component
* @note Sets type to `cot_text`
* @param ts Text style type to set
* @return component& reference to self
component& set_text_style(text_style_type ts);
* @brief Set the label of the component, e.g. button text.
* For action rows, this field is ignored. Setting the
* label will auto-set the type to dpp::cot_button.
* @param label Label text to set. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 80 UTF-8 characters.
* @return component& Reference to self
component& set_label(const std::string &label);
* @brief Set the default value of the text input component.
* For action rows, this field is ignored. Setting the
* value will auto-set the type to dpp::cot_text.
* @param val Value text to set. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 4000 UTF-8 characters.
* @return component& Reference to self
component& set_default_value(const std::string &val);
* @brief Set the url for dpp::cos_link types.
* Calling this function sets the style to dpp::cos_link
* and the type to dpp::cot_button.
* @param url URL to set. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 512 UTF-8 characters.
* @return component& reference to self.
component& set_url(const std::string &url);
* @brief Set the style of the component, e.g. button colour.
* For action rows, this field is ignored. Setting the
* style will auto-set the type to dpp::cot_button.
* @param cs Component style to set
* @return component& reference to self
component& set_style(component_style cs);
* @brief Set the id of the component.
* For action rows, this field is ignored. Setting the
* id will auto-set the type to dpp::cot_button.
* @param id Custom ID string to set. This ID will be sent
* for any on_button_click events related to the button.
* @note The maximum length of the Custom ID is 100 UTF-8 codepoints.
* If your Custom ID is longer than this, it will be truncated.
* @return component& Reference to self
component& set_id(const std::string &id);
* @brief Set the component to disabled.
* Defaults to false on all created components.
* @param disable True to disable, false to disable.
* @return component& Reference to self
component& set_disabled(bool disable);
* @brief Set if this component is required.
* Defaults to false on all created components.
* @param require True to require this, false to make it optional.
* @return component& Reference to self
component& set_required(bool require);
* @brief Set the placeholder
* @param placeholder placeholder string. It will be truncated to the
* maximum length of 150 UTF-8 characters for select menus, and 100 UTF-8
* characters for modals.
* @return component& Reference to self
component& set_placeholder(const std::string &placeholder);
* @brief Set the minimum number of items that must be chosen for a select menu
* @param min_values min value to set (0-25)
* @return component& Reference to self
component& set_min_values(uint32_t min_values);
* @brief Set the maximum number of items that can be chosen for a select menu
* @param max_values max value to set (0-25)
* @return component& Reference to self
component& set_max_values(uint32_t max_values);
* @brief Set the minimum input length for a text input
* @param min_l min length to set (0-4000)
* @return component& Reference to self
component& set_min_length(uint32_t min_l);
* @brief Set the maximum input length for a text input
* @param max_l max length to set (1-4000)
* @return component& Reference to self
component& set_max_length(uint32_t max_l);
* @brief Add a select option
* @param option option to add
* @return component& Reference to self
component& add_select_option(const select_option &option);
* @brief Add a sub-component, only valid for action rows.
* Adding subcomponents to a component will automatically
* set this component's type to dpp::cot_action_row.
* @param c The sub-component to add
* @return component& reference to self
component& add_component(const component& c);
* @brief Add a default value.
* @param id Default value. ID of a user, role, or channel
* @param type The type this default value represents
component& add_default_value(const snowflake id, const component_default_value_type type);
* @brief Set the emoji of the current sub-component.
* Only valid for buttons. Adding an emoji to a component
* will automatically set this components type to
* dpp::cot_button. One or both of name and id must be set.
* For a built in unicode emoji, you only need set name,
* and should set it to a unicode character e.g. "😄".
* For custom emojis, set the name to the name of the emoji
* on the guild, and the id to the emoji's ID.
* Setting the animated boolean is only valid for custom
* emojis.
* @param name Emoji name, or unicode character to use
* @param id Emoji id, for custom emojis only.
* @param animated True if the custom emoji is animated.
* @return component& Reference to self
component& set_emoji(const std::string& name, dpp::snowflake id = 0, bool animated = false);
* @brief A footer in a dpp::embed
struct DPP_EXPORT embed_footer {
* @brief Footer text
std::string text;
* @brief Footer icon url.
* @warning Only supports http(s) and attachments.
std::string icon_url;
* @brief Proxied icon url.
std::string proxy_url;
* @brief Set footer's text.
* @param t string to set as footer text. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 2048 UTF-8 characters.
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed_footer& set_text(const std::string& t);
* @brief Set footer's icon url.
* @param i url to set as footer icon url
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed_footer& set_icon(const std::string& i);
* @brief Set footer's proxied icon url.
* @param p url to set as footer proxied icon url
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed_footer& set_proxy(const std::string& p);
* @brief An video, image or thumbnail in a dpp::embed
struct DPP_EXPORT embed_image {
* @brief URL to image or video.
std::string url;
* @brief Proxied image url.
std::string proxy_url;
* @brief Height (calculated by discord).
std::string height;
* @brief Width (calculated by discord).
std::string width;
* @brief Embed provider in a dpp::embed. Received from discord but cannot be sent
struct DPP_EXPORT embed_provider {
* @brief Provider name.
std::string name;
* @brief Provider URL.
std::string url;
* @brief Author within a dpp::embed object
struct DPP_EXPORT embed_author {
* @brief Author name.
std::string name;
* @brief Author url.
* @warning Only supports http(s).
std::string url;
* @brief Author icon url.
* @warning Only supports http(s) and attachments.
std::string icon_url;
* @brief Proxied icon url.
std::string proxy_icon_url;
* @brief A dpp::embed may contain zero or more fields.
struct DPP_EXPORT embed_field {
* @brief Name of field (max length 256).
std::string name;
* @brief Value of field (max length 1024).
std::string value;
* @brief True if the field is to be displayed inline.
bool is_inline;
* @brief A rich embed for display within a dpp::message.
struct DPP_EXPORT embed {
* @brief Optional: Title of embed.
std::string title;
* @brief Optional: Type of embed.
* @note Always "rich" for webhook embeds.
std::string type;
* @brief Optional: Description of embed.
std::string description;
* @brief Optional: URL of embed.
std::string url;
* @brief Optional: Timestamp of embed content.
time_t timestamp;
* @brief Optional: Color code of the embed.
std::optional<uint32_t> color;
* @brief Optional: Footer information.
std::optional<embed_footer> footer;
* @brief Optional: Image information.
std::optional<embed_image> image;
* @brief Optional: Thumbnail information.
std::optional<embed_image> thumbnail;
* @brief Optional: Video information
* @warning Can't send this.
std::optional<embed_image> video;
* @brief Optional: Provider information.
* @warning Can't send this.
std::optional<embed_provider> provider;
* @brief Optional: Author information.
std::optional<embed_author> author;
* @brief Optional: Fields information.
std::vector<embed_field> fields;
* @brief Constructor
* @brief Constructor to build embed from json object
* @param j JSON to read content from
embed(nlohmann::json* j);
* @brief Destructor
* @brief Set embed title.
* @param text The text of the title. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 256 UTF-8 characters.
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed& set_title(const std::string &text);
* @brief Set embed description.
* @param text The text of the title. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 4096 UTF-8 characters.
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed& set_description(const std::string &text);
* @brief Set the footer of the embed.
* @param f the footer to set
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed& set_footer(const embed_footer& f);
* @brief Set the footer of the embed.
* @param text string to set as footer text. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 2048 UTF-8 characters.
* @param icon_url an url to set as footer icon url (only supports http(s) and attachments)
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed& set_footer(const std::string& text, const std::string& icon_url);
* @brief Set embed colour.
* @param col The colour of the embed
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed& set_color(uint32_t col);
* @brief Set embed colour.
* @param col The colour of the embed
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed& set_colour(uint32_t col);
* @brief Set embed timestamp.
* @param tstamp The timestamp to show in the footer, should be in UTC
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed& set_timestamp(time_t tstamp);
* @brief Set embed url.
* @param url the url of the embed
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed& set_url(const std::string &url);
* @brief Add an embed field.
* @param name The name of the field. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 256 UTF-8 characters.
* @param value The value of the field. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 1024 UTF-8 characters.
* @param is_inline Whether or not to display the field 'inline' or on its own line
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed& add_field(const std::string& name, const std::string &value, bool is_inline = false);
* @brief Set embed author.
* @param a The author to set
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed& set_author(const dpp::embed_author& a);
* @brief Set embed author.
* @param name The name of the author. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 256 UTF-8 characters.
* @param url The url of the author (only supports http(s))
* @param icon_url The icon URL of the author (only supports http(s) and attachments)
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed& set_author(const std::string& name, const std::string& url, const std::string& icon_url);
* @brief Set embed provider.
* @param name The provider name. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 256 UTF-8 characters.
* @param url The provider url
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed& set_provider(const std::string& name, const std::string& url);
* @brief Set embed image.
* @param url The embed image URL (only supports http(s) and attachments)
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed& set_image(const std::string& url);
* @brief Set embed video.
* @param url The embed video url
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed& set_video(const std::string& url);
* @brief Set embed thumbnail.
* @param url The embed thumbnail url (only supports http(s) and attachments)
* @return A reference to self so this method may be "chained".
embed& set_thumbnail(const std::string& url);
* @brief Represents a reaction to a dpp::message.
struct DPP_EXPORT reaction {
* @brief Total number of times this emoji has been used to react (including super reacts)
uint32_t count;
* @brief Count of super reactions
uint32_t count_burst;
* @brief Count of normal reactions
uint32_t count_normal;
* @brief ID of emoji for reaction
snowflake emoji_id;
* @brief Name of emoji, if applicable
std::string emoji_name;
* @brief Whether your bot reacted using this emoji
bool me;
* @brief Whether your bot super-reacted using this emoji
bool me_burst;
* @brief HEX colors used for super reaction.
* @note Stored as integers.
std::vector<uint32_t> burst_colors;
* @brief Constructs a new reaction object.
* @brief Constructs a new reaction object from a JSON object.
* @param j The JSON to read data from
reaction(nlohmann::json* j);
* @brief Destructs the reaction object.
~reaction() = default;
* @brief Bitmask flags for a dpp::attachment
enum attachment_flags : uint8_t {
* @brief This attachment has been edited using the remix feature on mobile.
a_is_remix = 1 << 2,
* @brief Represents an attachment in a dpp::message
struct DPP_EXPORT attachment {
* @brief ID of attachment.
snowflake id;
* @brief Size of the attachment in bytes.
uint32_t size;
* @brief File name of the attachment.
std::string filename;
* @brief Optional: Description of the attachment.
* Max 1024 characters.
std::string description;
* @brief URL which points to the attachment.
std::string url;
* @brief Proxied URL which points to the attachment.
std::string proxy_url;
* @brief Width of the attachment, if applicable.
uint32_t width;
* @brief Height of the attachment, if applicable.
uint32_t height;
* @brief MIME type of the attachment, if applicable.
std::string content_type;
* @brief Whether this attachment is ephemeral, if applicable.
bool ephemeral;
* @brief The duration of the audio file.
* @note Currently for voice messages.
double duration_secs;
* @brief Base64 encoded bytearray representing a sampled waveform.
* @note Currently for voice messages.
std::string waveform;
* @brief Flags made from dpp::attachment_flags.
uint8_t flags;
* @brief Owning message
struct message* owner;
* @brief Constructs a new attachment object.
* @param o Owning dpp::message object
attachment(struct message* o);
* @brief Constructs a new attachment object from a JSON object.
* @param o Owning dpp::message object
* @param j JSON to read information from
attachment(struct message* o, nlohmann::json* j);
* @brief Destructs the attachment object.
~attachment() = default;
* @brief Download this attachment
* @param callback A callback which is called when the download completes.
* @note The content of the file will be in the http_info.body parameter of the
* callback parameter.
* @throw dpp::logic_exception If there is no owner associated with this attachment that
* itself has an owning cluster, this method will throw a dpp::logic_exception when called.
void download(http_completion_event callback) const;
* @brief Returns true if remixed
* @return true if remixed
bool is_remix() const;
* @brief Represents the type of a sticker
enum sticker_type : uint8_t {
* @brief An official sticker in a pack.
st_standard = 1,
* @brief Guild sticker.
st_guild = 2
* @brief The file format (png, apng, lottie) of a sticker
enum sticker_format : uint8_t {
sf_png = 1,
sf_apng = 2,
sf_lottie = 3,
sf_gif = 4,
* @brief Represents stickers received in messages
struct DPP_EXPORT sticker : public managed, public json_interface<sticker> {
friend struct json_interface<sticker>;
/** Read class values from json object
* @param j A json object to read from
* @return A reference to self
sticker& fill_from_json_impl(nlohmann::json* j);
/** Build JSON from this object.
* @param with_id True if the ID is to be set in the JSON structure
* @return The JSON of the invite
virtual json to_json_impl(bool with_id = true) const;
* @brief Optional: for standard stickers, id of the pack the sticker is from
snowflake pack_id;
* @brief The name of the sticker.
std::string name;
* @brief Description of the sticker
* @note This may be empty.
std::string description;
* @brief The sticker's (or related) expressions.
* @note If it's a guild sticker, this will be the Discord name of
* a unicode emoji representing the sticker's expression.
* Otherwise, this will be a comma-separated list of related expressions.
std::string tags;
* @brief Asset ID
* @deprecated now an empty string but still sent by discord.
* While discord still send this empty string value,
* we will still have this field here in the library.
std::string asset;
* @brief The type of sticker.
sticker_type type;
* @brief type of sticker format.
sticker_format format_type;
* @brief Optional: Whether this guild sticker can be used.
* @note May be false due to loss of Server Boosts.
bool available;
* @brief Optional: ID of the guild that owns this sticker.
snowflake guild_id;
* @brief Optional: The user that uploaded the guild sticker.
user sticker_user;
* @brief Optional: The standard sticker's sort order within its pack.
uint8_t sort_value;
* @brief Name of file to upload (when adding or editing a sticker).
std::string filename;
* @brief File content to upload (raw binary).
std::string filecontent;
* @brief Construct a new sticker object
virtual ~sticker() = default;
* @brief Get the sticker url.
* @return std::string The sticker url or an empty string, if the id is empty
std::string get_url() const;
* @brief Set the filename
* @param fn filename
* @return message& reference to self
sticker& set_filename(const std::string &fn);
* @brief Set the file content
* @param fc raw file content contained in std::string
* @return message& reference to self
sticker& set_file_content(const std::string &fc);
* @brief Represents a sticker pack (the built in groups of stickers that all nitro users get to use)
struct DPP_EXPORT sticker_pack : public managed, public json_interface<sticker_pack> {
friend struct json_interface<sticker_pack>;
/** Read class values from json object
* @param j A json object to read from
* @return A reference to self
sticker_pack& fill_from_json_impl(nlohmann::json* j);
/** Build JSON from this object.
* @param with_id True if the ID is to be set in the JSON structure
* @return The JSON of the invite
virtual json to_json_impl(bool with_id = true) const;
* @brief The stickers in the pack.
std::map<snowflake, sticker> stickers;
* @brief Name of the sticker pack.
std::string name;
* @brief ID of the pack's SKU.
snowflake sku_id;
* @brief Optional: ID of a sticker in the pack which is shown as the pack's icon.
snowflake cover_sticker_id;
* @brief Description of the sticker pack.
std::string description;
* @brief ID of the sticker pack's banner image.
snowflake banner_asset_id;
* @brief Construct a new sticker pack object
virtual ~sticker_pack() = default;
* @brief Bitmask flags for a dpp::message
enum message_flags : uint16_t {
* @brief This message has been published to subscribed channels (via Channel Following).
m_crossposted = 1 << 0,
* @brief This message originated from a message in another channel (via Channel Following).
m_is_crosspost = 1 << 1,
* @brief Do not include any embeds when serializing this message.
m_suppress_embeds = 1 << 2,
* @brief The source message for this crosspost has been deleted (via Channel Following).
m_source_message_deleted = 1 << 3,
* @brief This message came from the urgent message system.
m_urgent = 1 << 4,
* @brief This message has an associated thread, with the same id as the message.
m_has_thread = 1 << 5,
* @brief This message is only visible to the user who invoked the Interaction.
m_ephemeral = 1 << 6,
* @brief This message is an Interaction Response and the bot is "thinking".
m_loading = 1 << 7,
* @brief This message failed to mention some roles and add their members to the thread.
m_thread_mention_failed = 1 << 8,
* @brief This message will not trigger push and desktop notifications.
m_suppress_notifications = 1 << 12,
* @brief This message is a voice message.
m_is_voice_message = 1 << 13,
* @brief Represents possible values for the dpp::embed type field.
* These are loosely defined by the API docs and do not influence how the client renders embeds.
* @note The only type a bot can send is dpp::embed_type::emt_rich.
namespace embed_type {
* @brief Rich text
const std::string emt_rich = "rich";
* @brief Image
const std::string emt_image = "image";
* @brief Video link
const std::string emt_video = "video";
* @brief Animated gif
const std::string emt_gifv = "gifv";
* @brief Article
const std::string emt_article = "article";
* @brief Link URL
const std::string emt_link = "link";
* @brief Auto moderation filter
const std::string emt_automod = "auto_moderation_message";
} // namespace embed_type
* @brief Message types for dpp::message::type
enum message_type {
* @brief Default
mt_default = 0,
* @brief Add recipient
mt_recipient_add = 1,
* @brief Remove recipient
mt_recipient_remove = 2,
* @brief Call
mt_call = 3,
* @brief Channel name change
mt_channel_name_change = 4,
* @brief Channel icon change
mt_channel_icon_change = 5,
* @brief Message pinned
mt_channel_pinned_message = 6,
* @brief Member joined
mt_guild_member_join = 7,
* @brief Boost
mt_user_premium_guild_subscription = 8,
* @brief Boost level 1
mt_user_premium_guild_subscription_tier_1 = 9,
* @brief Boost level 2
mt_user_premium_guild_subscription_tier_2 = 10,
* @brief Boost level 3
mt_user_premium_guild_subscription_tier_3 = 11,
* @brief Follow channel
mt_channel_follow_add = 12,
* @brief Disqualified from discovery
mt_guild_discovery_disqualified = 14,
* @brief Re-qualified for discovery
mt_guild_discovery_requalified = 15,
* @brief Discovery grace period warning 1
mt_guild_discovery_grace_period_initial_warning = 16,
* @brief Discovery grace period warning 2
mt_guild_discovery_grace_period_final_warning = 17,
* @brief Thread Created
mt_thread_created = 18,
* @brief Reply
mt_reply = 19,
* @brief Application command
mt_application_command = 20,
* @brief Thread starter message
mt_thread_starter_message = 21,
* @brief Invite reminder
mt_guild_invite_reminder = 22,
* @brief Context Menu Command
mt_context_menu_command = 23,
* @brief Auto moderation action
mt_auto_moderation_action = 24,
* @brief Role subscription purchase
mt_role_subscription_purchase = 25,
* @brief Interaction premium upsell
mt_interaction_premium_upsell = 26,
* @brief Stage start
mt_stage_start = 27,
* @brief Stage end
mt_stage_end = 28,
* @brief Stage speaker
mt_stage_speaker = 29,
* @brief Stage topic
mt_stage_topic = 31,
* @brief Guild application premium subscription
mt_application_premium_subscription = 32,
* @brief Represents the caching policy of a cache in the library.
enum cache_policy_setting_t {
* @brief request aggressively on seeing new guilds, and also store missing data from messages.
* This is the default behaviour and the least memory-efficient option. Memory usage will increase
* over time, initially quite rapidly, and then linearly over time. It is the least cpu-intensive
* setting.
cp_aggressive = 0,
* @brief only cache when there is relevant activity, e.g. a message to the bot.
* This is a good middle-ground, memory usage will increase linearly over time.
cp_lazy = 1,
* @brief Don't cache anything. Fill details when we see them.
* This is the most memory-efficient option but consumes more CPU time
cp_none = 2
* @brief Represents the caching policy of the cluster.
* Channels and guilds are always cached as these caches are used
* internally by the library. The memory usage of these is minimal.
* All default to 'aggressive' which means to actively attempt to cache,
* going out of the way to fill the caches completely. On large bots this
* can take a LOT of RAM.
struct DPP_EXPORT cache_policy_t {
* @brief Caching policy for users and guild members
cache_policy_setting_t user_policy = cp_aggressive;
* @brief Caching policy for emojis
cache_policy_setting_t emoji_policy = cp_aggressive;
* @brief Caching policy for roles
cache_policy_setting_t role_policy = cp_aggressive;
* @brief Caching policy for roles
cache_policy_setting_t channel_policy = cp_aggressive;
* @brief Caching policy for roles
cache_policy_setting_t guild_policy = cp_aggressive;
* @brief Contains a set of predefined cache policies for use when constructing a dpp::cluster
namespace cache_policy {
* @brief A shortcut constant for all caching enabled for use in dpp::cluster constructor
inline constexpr cache_policy_t cpol_default = { cp_aggressive, cp_aggressive, cp_aggressive, cp_aggressive, cp_aggressive };
* @brief A shortcut constant for a more balanced caching policy for use in dpp::cluster constructor
inline constexpr cache_policy_t cpol_balanced = { cp_lazy, cp_lazy, cp_lazy, cp_aggressive, cp_aggressive };
* @brief A shortcut constant for all caching disabled for use in dpp::cluster constructor
inline constexpr cache_policy_t cpol_none = { cp_none, cp_none, cp_none, cp_none, cp_none };
* @brief Represents messages sent and received on Discord
struct DPP_EXPORT message : public managed, json_interface<message> {
friend struct json_interface<message>;
/** Read class values from json object
* @param j A json object to read from
* @return A reference to self
inline message& fill_from_json_impl(nlohmann::json *j) {
return fill_from_json(j, {cp_aggressive, cp_aggressive, cp_aggressive});
/** Build a JSON from this object.
* @param with_id True if an ID is to be included in the JSON
* @return JSON
inline json to_json_impl(bool with_id = false) const {
return to_json(with_id, false);
* @brief ID of the channel the message was sent in.
snowflake channel_id;
* @brief Optional: ID of the guild the message was sent in.
snowflake guild_id;
* @brief The author of this message.
* @warning This is not guaranteed to be a valid user.
user author;
* @brief Optional: member properties for this message's author
guild_member member;
* @brief Contents of the message.
std::string content;
* @brief Message components.
std::vector<dpp::component> components;
* @brief When this message was sent.
time_t sent;
* @brief When this message was edited.
* @note This may be 0 if never edited.
time_t edited;
* @brief Users specifically mentioned in the message.
std::vector<std::pair<user, guild_member>> mentions;
* @brief Roles specifically mentioned in this message (only IDs currently).
std::vector<snowflake> mention_roles;
* @brief Channels mentioned in the message.
* @warning Not all types supported.
* @note Discord: Only textual channels that are visible to everyone in a lurkable guild will ever be included.
* Only crossposted messages (via Channel Following) currently include mention_channels at all. (includes ID, Guild ID, Type, Name).
std::vector<channel> mention_channels;
* @brief Any attached files.
std::vector<attachment> attachments;
* @brief Up to 10 dpp::embed objects.
std::vector<embed> embeds;
* @brief Optional: reactions to the message.
std::vector<reaction> reactions;
* @brief Optional: Used for validating a message was sent.
std::string nonce;
* @brief Optional: Webhook ID.
* @note If the message is generated by a webhook, its ID will be here. Otherwise, the field will be 0.
snowflake webhook_id;
* @brief Stickers.
std::vector<sticker> stickers;
* @brief An array of file data to use for uploading files.
* @note You should use dpp::message::add_file to add data to this!
std::vector<message_file_data> file_data;
* @brief Reference to another message, e.g. a reply
struct message_ref {
* @brief ID of the originating message.
snowflake message_id;
* @brief ID of the originating message's channel.
snowflake channel_id;
* @brief ID of the originating message's guild.
snowflake guild_id;
* @brief when sending, whether to error if the referenced message doesn't exist instead of sending as a normal (non-reply) message.
* Default true.
bool fail_if_not_exists;
} message_reference;
* @brief Reference to an interaction
struct message_interaction_struct{
* @brief ID of the interaction.
snowflake id;
* @brief Type of interaction.
uint8_t type;
* @brief Name of the application command.
std::string name;
* @brief The user who invoked the interaction.
user usr;
} interaction;
* @brief Allowed mentions details
struct allowed_ref {
* @brief Set to true to parse user mentions in the text. Default is false
bool parse_users;
* @brief Set to true to at-everyone and at-here mentions in the text. Default is false
bool parse_everyone;
* @brief Set to true to parse role mentions in the text. Default is false
bool parse_roles;
* @brief Set to true to mention the user who sent the message this one is replying to. Default is false
bool replied_user;
* @brief List of users to allow pings for
std::vector<snowflake> users;
* @brief List of roles to allow pings for
std::vector<snowflake> roles;
} allowed_mentions;
* @brief The cluster which created this message object.
class cluster* owner;
* @brief Message type.
message_type type;
* @brief Flags made from dpp::message_flags
uint16_t flags;
* @brief Whether this message is pinned.
bool pinned;
* @brief Whether this was a TTS message.
bool tts;
* @brief Whether this message mentions everyone.
bool mention_everyone;
* @brief Construct a new message object
* @brief Construct a new message object
* @param m Message to copy
message(const message& m) = default;
* @brief Construct a new message object
* @param m Message to move
message(message&& m) = default;
* @brief Construct a new message object
* @param o Owning cluster, passed down to various things such as dpp::attachment.
* Owning cluster is optional (can be nullptr) and if nulled, will prevent some functions
* such as attachment::download from functioning (they will throw, if used)
message(class cluster* o);
* @brief Construct a new message object with a channel and content
* @param channel_id The channel to send the message to
* @param content The content of the message. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 4000 UTF-8 characters.
* @param type The message type to create
message(snowflake channel_id, const std::string &content, message_type type = mt_default);
* @brief Construct a new message object with a channel and content
* @param channel_id The channel to send the message to
* @param _embed An embed to send
message(snowflake channel_id, const embed & _embed);
* @brief Construct a new message object with content
* @param content The content of the message. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 4000 UTF-8 characters.
* @param type The message type to create
message(const std::string &content, message_type type = mt_default);
* @brief Destroy the message object
~message() override = default;
* @brief Copy a message object
* @param m Message to copy
* @return message& Reference to self
message &operator=(const message& m) = default;
* @brief Move a message object
* @param m Message to move
* @return message& Reference to self
message &operator=(message&& m) = default;
* @brief Set the original message reference for replies/crossposts
* @param _message_id message id to reply to
* @param _guild_id guild id to reply to (optional)
* @param _channel_id channel id to reply to (optional)
* @param fail_if_not_exists true if the message send should fail if these values are invalid (optional)
* @return message& reference to self
message& set_reference(snowflake _message_id, snowflake _guild_id = 0, snowflake _channel_id = 0, bool fail_if_not_exists = false);
* @brief Set the allowed mentions object for pings on the message
* @param _parse_users whether or not to parse users in the message content or embeds
* @param _parse_roles whether or not to parse roles in the message content or embeds
* @param _parse_everyone whether or not to parse everyone/here in the message content or embeds
* @param _replied_user if set to true and this is a reply, then ping the user we reply to
* @param users list of user ids to allow pings for
* @param roles list of role ids to allow pings for
* @return message& reference to self
message& set_allowed_mentions(bool _parse_users, bool _parse_roles, bool _parse_everyone, bool _replied_user, const std::vector<snowflake> &users, const std::vector<snowflake> &roles);
using json_interface<message>::fill_from_json;
using json_interface<message>::to_json;
/** Fill this object from json.
* @param j JSON object to fill from
* @param cp Cache policy for user records, whether or not we cache users when a message is received
* @return A reference to self
message& fill_from_json(nlohmann::json* j, cache_policy_t cp);
/** Build JSON from this object.
* @param with_id True if the ID is to be included in the built JSON
* @param is_interaction_response Set to true if this message is intended to be included in an interaction response.
* This will exclude some fields that are not valid in interactions at this time.
* @return The JSON text of the message
virtual json to_json(bool with_id, bool is_interaction_response) const;
* @brief Returns true if the message was crossposted to other servers
* @return true if crossposted
bool is_crossposted() const;
* @brief Returns true if posted from other servers announcement channel via webhook
* @return true if posted from other server
bool is_crosspost() const;
* @brief True if embeds have been removed
* @return true if embeds removed
bool suppress_embeds() const;
* @brief True if source message was deleted
* @return true if source message deleted
bool is_source_message_deleted() const;
* @brief True if urgent
* @return true if urgent
bool is_urgent() const;
* @brief True if has thread attached
* @return true if has thread attached
bool has_thread() const;
* @brief True if ephemeral (visible only to issuer of a slash command)
* @return true if ephemeral
bool is_ephemeral() const;
* @brief True if loading
* @return true if loading
bool is_loading() const;
* @brief Returns true if this message failed to mention some roles and add their members to the thread
* @return true if this message failed to mention some roles and add their members to the thread
bool is_thread_mention_failed() const;
* @brief True if the message will not trigger push and desktop notifications
* @return True if notifications suppressed
bool suppress_notifications() const;
* @brief True if the message is a voice message
* @return True if voice message
bool is_voice_message() const;
* @brief Add a component (button) to message
* @param c component to add
* @return message& reference to self
message& add_component(const component& c);
* @brief Add an embed to message
* @param e embed to add
* @return message& reference to self
message& add_embed(const embed& e);
* @brief Set the flags
* @param f flags to set from dpp::message_flags
* @return message& reference to self
message& set_flags(uint16_t f);
* @brief Set the message type
* @param t type to set
* @return message& reference to self
message& set_type(message_type t);
* @brief Set the filename of the last file in list
* @param fn filename
* @return message& reference to self
* @deprecated Use message::add_file instead
message& set_filename(const std::string &fn);
* @brief Set the file content of the last file in list
* @param fc raw file content contained in std::string
* @return message& reference to self
* @deprecated Use message::add_file instead
message& set_file_content(const std::string &fc);
* @brief Add a file to the message
* @param filename filename
* @param filecontent raw file content contained in std::string
* @param filemimetype optional mime type of the file
* @return message& reference to self
message& add_file(const std::string &filename, const std::string &filecontent, const std::string &filemimetype = "");
* @brief Set the message content
* @param c message content. It will be truncated to the maximum length of 4000 UTF-8 characters.
* @return message& reference to self
message& set_content(const std::string &c);
* @brief Set the channel id
* @param _channel_id channel id
* @return message& reference to self
message& set_channel_id(snowflake _channel_id);
* @brief Set the channel id
* @param _guild_id channel id
* @return message& reference to self
message& set_guild_id(snowflake _guild_id);
* @brief Returns true if the message is from a DM
* @return true if message is a DM
bool is_dm() const;
* @brief Returns true if message has remixed attachment
* @return true if message has remixed attachment
bool has_remix_attachment() const;
* @brief Returns URL to message
* @return string of URL to message
std::string get_url() const;
* @brief A group of messages
typedef std::unordered_map<snowflake, message> message_map;
* @brief A group of stickers
typedef std::unordered_map<snowflake, sticker> sticker_map;
* @brief A group of sticker packs
typedef std::unordered_map<snowflake, sticker_pack> sticker_pack_map;
} // namespace dpp