300 lines
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300 lines
13 KiB
* @file Column_test.cpp
* @ingroup tests
* @brief Test of a SQLiteCpp Column.
* Copyright (c) 2012-2023 Sebastien Rombauts (sebastien.rombauts@gmail.com)
* Distributed under the MIT License (MIT) (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt
* or copy at http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
#include <SQLiteCpp/Database.h>
#include <SQLiteCpp/Statement.h>
#include <SQLiteCpp/Column.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <stdint.h>
static void test_column_basis(bool utf16)
// Create a new database
SQLite::Database db(":memory:", SQLite::OPEN_READWRITE|SQLite::OPEN_CREATE);
EXPECT_EQ(SQLite::OK, db.getErrorCode());
EXPECT_EQ(SQLite::OK, db.getExtendedErrorCode());
if (utf16)
EXPECT_EQ(0, db.exec("PRAGMA encoding = 'UTF-16';"));
// Create a new table
EXPECT_EQ(0, db.exec("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, msg TEXT, int INTEGER, double REAL, binary BLOB, empty TEXT)"));
EXPECT_EQ(0, db.getLastInsertRowid());
// Create a first row (autoid: 1) with all kind of data and a null value
SQLite::Statement insert(db, "INSERT INTO test VALUES (NULL, \"first\", -123, 0.123, ?, NULL)");
// Bind the blob value to the first parameter of the SQL query
const char buffer[] = {'b', 'l', '\0', 'b'}; // "bl\0b" : 4 char, with a null byte inside
const int size = sizeof(buffer); // size = 4
const void* blob = &buffer;
insert.bind(1, blob, size);
// Execute the one-step query to insert the row
EXPECT_EQ(1, insert.exec());
EXPECT_EQ(1, db.getLastInsertRowid());
EXPECT_EQ(1, db.getChanges());
EXPECT_EQ(1, db.getTotalChanges());
EXPECT_THROW(insert.exec(), SQLite::Exception); // exec() shall throw as it needs to be reseted
// Compile a SQL query
SQLite::Statement query(db, "SELECT * FROM test");
EXPECT_STREQ("SELECT * FROM test", query.getQuery().c_str());
EXPECT_EQ(6, query.getColumnCount ());
EXPECT_TRUE (query.hasRow());
// validates every variant of cast operators, and conversions of types
const int64_t id1 = query.getColumn(0); // operator int64_t()
const int32_t id2 = query.getColumn(0); // operator int32_t()
const int id3 = query.getColumn(0); // operator int32_t()
const int16_t id4 = query.getColumn(0); // operator int32_t()
const short id5 = query.getColumn(0); // operator int32_t()
const int8_t id6 = query.getColumn(0); // operator int32_t()
const char id7 = query.getColumn(0); // operator int32_t()
const unsigned int uint1 = query.getColumn(0); // operator unsigned int()
const uint32_t uint2 = query.getColumn(0); // operator unsigned int()
const unsigned char uint3 = query.getColumn(0); // operator unsigned char()
const unsigned short uint4 = query.getColumn(0); // operator unsigned short()
const char* ptxt = query.getColumn(1); // operator const char*()
const std::string msg = query.getColumn(1); // operator std::string() (or const char* with MSVC)
const int integer = query.getColumn(2); // operator int()
const double real = query.getColumn(3); // operator double()
const void* pblob = query.getColumn(4); // operator void*()
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900
// This implicit cast should use operator std::string()
// but would fallback to const char* with MSVC 2010-2013 (witch does not work with the NULL char in the middle)
const std::string sblob = query.getColumn(4); // operator std::string()
const void* pempty = query.getColumn(5); // operator void*()
EXPECT_EQ(1, id1);
EXPECT_EQ(1, id2);
EXPECT_EQ(1, id3);
EXPECT_EQ(1, id4);
EXPECT_EQ(1, id5);
EXPECT_EQ(1, id6);
EXPECT_EQ(1, id7);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, uint1);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, uint2);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, uint3);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, uint4);
EXPECT_STREQ("first", ptxt);
EXPECT_EQ("first", msg);
EXPECT_EQ(-123, integer);
EXPECT_EQ(0.123, real);
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp("bl\0b", pblob, size));
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900
EXPECT_EQ((size_t)size, sblob.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp("bl\0b", &sblob[0], size));
EXPECT_EQ(NULL, pempty);
// validates every variant of explicit getters
int64_t id = query.getColumn(0).getInt64();
const unsigned int uint1 = query.getColumn(0).getUInt();
const uint32_t uint2 = query.getColumn(0).getUInt();
const std::string msg1 = query.getColumn(1).getString();
const char* ptxt = query.getColumn(1).getText();
const std::string msg2 = query.getColumn(1).getText();
const int integer = query.getColumn(2).getInt();
const double real = query.getColumn(3).getDouble();
const void* pblob = query.getColumn(4).getBlob();
const std::string sblob = query.getColumn(4).getString();
EXPECT_EQ(1, id);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, uint1);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, uint2);
EXPECT_STREQ("first", ptxt);
EXPECT_EQ("first", msg1);
EXPECT_EQ("first", msg2);
EXPECT_EQ(-123, integer);
EXPECT_EQ(0.123, real);
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp("bl\0b", pblob, 4));
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp("bl\0b", &sblob[0], 4));
// Validate getBytes(), getType(), isInteger(), isNull()...
EXPECT_EQ(SQLite::INTEGER, query.getColumn(0).getType());
EXPECT_EQ(true, query.getColumn(0).isInteger());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(0).isFloat());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(0).isText());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(0).isBlob());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(0).isNull());
EXPECT_STREQ("1", query.getColumn(0).getText()); // convert to TEXT via text func
EXPECT_EQ(1, query.getColumn(0).getBytes()); // size of the string "1" without the null terminator
EXPECT_EQ(SQLite::TEXT, query.getColumn(1).getType());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(1).isInteger());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(1).isFloat());
EXPECT_EQ(true, query.getColumn(1).isText());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(1).isBlob());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(1).isNull());
EXPECT_STREQ("first", query.getColumn(1).getString().c_str()); // convert to TEXT via string func
EXPECT_EQ(5, query.getColumn(1).getBytes()); // size of the string "first"
EXPECT_EQ(SQLite::INTEGER, query.getColumn(2).getType());
EXPECT_EQ(true, query.getColumn(2).isInteger());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(2).isFloat());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(2).isText());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(2).isBlob());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(2).isNull());
EXPECT_STREQ("-123", query.getColumn(2).getText()); // convert to string
EXPECT_EQ(4, query.getColumn(2).getBytes()); // size of the string "-123"
EXPECT_EQ(SQLite::FLOAT, query.getColumn(3).getType());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(3).isInteger());
EXPECT_EQ(true, query.getColumn(3).isFloat());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(3).isText());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(3).isBlob());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(3).isNull());
EXPECT_STREQ("0.123", query.getColumn(3).getText()); // convert to string
EXPECT_EQ(5, query.getColumn(3).getBytes()); // size of the string "0.123"
EXPECT_EQ(SQLite::BLOB, query.getColumn(4).getType());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(4).isInteger());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(4).isFloat());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(4).isText());
EXPECT_EQ(true, query.getColumn(4).isBlob());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(4).isNull());
EXPECT_EQ(4, query.getColumn(4).getBytes()); // size of the blob "bl\0b" with the null char
EXPECT_EQ(SQLite::Null, query.getColumn(5).getType());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(5).isInteger());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(5).isFloat());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(5).isText());
EXPECT_EQ(false, query.getColumn(5).isBlob());
EXPECT_EQ(true, query.getColumn(5).isNull());
EXPECT_STREQ("", query.getColumn(5).getText()); // convert to string
EXPECT_EQ(0, query.getColumn(5).getBytes()); // size of the string "" without the null terminator
// Use intermediate Column objects (this is not the recommended way to use the API)
const SQLite::Column id = query.getColumn(0);
EXPECT_EQ(1, id.getInt64());
const SQLite::Column msg = query.getColumn(1);
EXPECT_EQ("first", msg.getString());
const SQLite::Column integer = query.getColumn(2);
EXPECT_EQ(-123, integer.getInt());
const SQLite::Column dbl = query.getColumn(3);
EXPECT_EQ(0.123, dbl.getDouble());
TEST(Column, basis)
TEST(Column, basis16)
TEST(Column, getName)
// Create a new database
SQLite::Database db(":memory:", SQLite::OPEN_READWRITE|SQLite::OPEN_CREATE);
EXPECT_EQ(1, db.exec("INSERT INTO test VALUES (NULL, \"first\")"));
// Compile a SQL query, using the "id" column name as-is, but aliasing the "msg" column with new name "value"
SQLite::Statement query(db, "SELECT id, msg as value FROM test");
// Show how to get the aliased names of the result columns.
const std::string name0 = query.getColumn(0).getName();
const std::string name1 = query.getColumn(1).getName();
EXPECT_EQ("id", name0);
EXPECT_EQ("value", name1);
// Show how to get origin names of the table columns from which theses result columns come from.
// Requires the SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA preprocessor macro to be
// also defined at compile times of the SQLite library itself.
const std::string oname0 = query.getColumn(0).getOriginName();
const std::string oname1 = query.getColumn(1).getOriginName();
EXPECT_EQ("id", oname0);
EXPECT_EQ("msg", oname1);
TEST(Column, stream)
// Create a new database
SQLite::Database db(":memory:", SQLite::OPEN_READWRITE|SQLite::OPEN_CREATE);
EXPECT_EQ(0, db.exec("CREATE TABLE test (msg TEXT)"));
SQLite::Statement insert(db, "INSERT INTO test VALUES (?)");
// content to test
const char str_[] = "stringwith\0embedded";
std::string str(str_, sizeof(str_)-1);
insert.bind(1, str);
// Execute the one-step query to insert the row
EXPECT_EQ(1, insert.exec());
EXPECT_EQ(1, db.getChanges());
EXPECT_EQ(1, db.getTotalChanges());
SQLite::Statement query(db, "SELECT * FROM test");
std::stringstream ss;
ss << query.getColumn(0);
std::string content = ss.str();
EXPECT_EQ(content, str);
TEST(Column, shared_ptr)
// Create a new database
SQLite::Database db(":memory:", SQLite::OPEN_READWRITE|SQLite::OPEN_CREATE);
EXPECT_EQ(1, db.exec(R"(INSERT INTO test VALUES (42, "fortytwo"))"));
const char* query_str = "SELECT id, msg FROM test";
std::unique_ptr<SQLite::Statement> query{ new SQLite::Statement(db, query_str) };
auto column0 = query->getColumn(0);
auto column1 = query->getColumn(1);
EXPECT_EQ(42, column0.getInt());
EXPECT_STREQ("fortytwo", column1.getText());
query.reset(new SQLite::Statement(db, query_str));
column0 = query->getColumn(0);
EXPECT_EQ(true, column0.isInteger());
query->executeStep(); // query is done
// Undefined behavior
// auto x = column0.getInt();
// Undefined behavior
// auto x = column0.getInt();
// bool isInt = column0.isInteger();
EXPECT_STREQ("id", column0.getName());