\page install-vcpkg Installing from VCPKG (Windows) \warning **We do not support VCPKG for any platform that isn't Windows. This does not mean VCPKG doesn't work, it just means we do not test it.** If you are using other platforms then please look towards our other pages. We also advise that you use the [pre-made Visual Studio template](https://github.com/brainboxdotcc/windows-bot-template/) on Windows, as VCPKG takes longer to receive updates. To install D++ on a system with VCPKG: - Ensure VCPKG is correctly installed, and run `vcpkg integrate install` to integrate it with your preferred IDE. This has been reported to work with Visual Studio, VSCode, and JetBrains CLion. - From a command line, type `vcpkg install dpp:x64-windows` \image html vcpkg.png - VCPKG will install the library, and dependencies, for you! Once completed, you will receive a message, indicating that dpp successfully installed! - Use `vcpkg list dpp` to check that the package is installed, as so: ```cmd c:\vcpkg>vcpkg list dpp dpp:x64-windows 10.0.24 D++ Extremely Lightweight C++ Discord Library. ``` - You may now use the library within a `CMake` based project by adding instructions such as these to your `CMakeLists.txt`: ```cmake find_package(dpp CONFIG REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(your_target_name PRIVATE dpp::dpp) ```