# # ucm.cmake - useful cmake macros # # Copyright (c) 2016 Viktor Kirilov # # Distributed under the MIT Software License # See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at # https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT # # The documentation can be found at the library's page: # https://github.com/onqtam/ucm cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12) include(CMakeParseArguments) # optionally include cotire - the git submodule might not be inited (or the user might have already included it) if(NOT COMMAND cotire) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../cotire/CMake/cotire.cmake OPTIONAL) endif() if(COMMAND cotire AND "1.7.9" VERSION_LESS "${COTIRE_CMAKE_MODULE_VERSION}") set(ucm_with_cotire 1) else() set(ucm_with_cotire 0) endif() option(UCM_UNITY_BUILD "Enable unity build for targets registered with the ucm_add_target() macro" OFF) option(UCM_NO_COTIRE_FOLDER "Do not use a cotire folder in the solution explorer for all unity and cotire related targets" ON) # ucm_add_flags # Adds compiler flags to CMAKE__FLAGS or to a specific config macro(ucm_add_flags) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "C;CXX;CLEAR_OLD" "" "CONFIG" ${ARGN}) if(NOT ARG_CONFIG) set(ARG_CONFIG " ") endif() foreach(CONFIG ${ARG_CONFIG}) # determine to which flags to add if(NOT ${CONFIG} STREQUAL " ") string(TOUPPER ${CONFIG} CONFIG) set(CXX_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${CONFIG}) set(C_FLAGS CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${CONFIG}) else() set(CXX_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS) set(C_FLAGS CMAKE_C_FLAGS) endif() # clear the old flags if(${ARG_CLEAR_OLD}) if("${ARG_CXX}" OR NOT "${ARG_C}") set(${CXX_FLAGS} "") endif() if("${ARG_C}" OR NOT "${ARG_CXX}") set(${C_FLAGS} "") endif() endif() # add all the passed flags foreach(flag ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) if("${ARG_CXX}" OR NOT "${ARG_C}") set(${CXX_FLAGS} "${${CXX_FLAGS}} ${flag}") endif() if("${ARG_C}" OR NOT "${ARG_CXX}") set(${C_FLAGS} "${${C_FLAGS}} ${flag}") endif() endforeach() endforeach() endmacro() # ucm_set_flags # Sets the CMAKE__FLAGS compiler flags or for a specific config macro(ucm_set_flags) ucm_add_flags(CLEAR_OLD ${ARGN}) endmacro() # ucm_add_linker_flags # Adds linker flags to CMAKE__LINKER_FLAGS or to a specific config macro(ucm_add_linker_flags) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "CLEAR_OLD;EXE;MODULE;SHARED;STATIC" "" "CONFIG" ${ARGN}) if(NOT ARG_CONFIG) set(ARG_CONFIG " ") endif() foreach(CONFIG ${ARG_CONFIG}) string(TOUPPER "${CONFIG}" CONFIG) if(NOT ${ARG_EXE} AND NOT ${ARG_MODULE} AND NOT ${ARG_SHARED} AND NOT ${ARG_STATIC}) set(ARG_EXE 1) set(ARG_MODULE 1) set(ARG_SHARED 1) set(ARG_STATIC 1) endif() set(flags_configs "") if(${ARG_EXE}) if(NOT "${CONFIG}" STREQUAL " ") list(APPEND flags_configs CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_${CONFIG}) else() list(APPEND flags_configs CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS) endif() endif() if(${ARG_MODULE}) if(NOT "${CONFIG}" STREQUAL " ") list(APPEND flags_configs CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_${CONFIG}) else() list(APPEND flags_configs CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS) endif() endif() if(${ARG_SHARED}) if(NOT "${CONFIG}" STREQUAL " ") list(APPEND flags_configs CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_${CONFIG}) else() list(APPEND flags_configs CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS) endif() endif() if(${ARG_STATIC}) if(NOT "${CONFIG}" STREQUAL " ") list(APPEND flags_configs CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_${CONFIG}) else() list(APPEND flags_configs CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS) endif() endif() # clear the old flags if(${ARG_CLEAR_OLD}) foreach(flags ${flags_configs}) set(${flags} "") endforeach() endif() # add all the passed flags foreach(flag ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) foreach(flags ${flags_configs}) set(${flags} "${${flags}} ${flag}") endforeach() endforeach() endforeach() endmacro() # ucm_set_linker_flags # Sets the CMAKE__LINKER_FLAGS linker flags or for a specific config macro(ucm_set_linker_flags) ucm_add_linker_flags(CLEAR_OLD ${ARGN}) endmacro() # ucm_gather_flags # Gathers all lists of flags for printing or manipulation macro(ucm_gather_flags with_linker result) set(${result} "") # add the main flags without a config list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_C_FLAGS) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS) if(${with_linker}) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS) endif() if("${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}" STREQUAL "" AND NOT "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" STREQUAL "") # handle single config generators - like makefiles/ninja - when CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is set string(TOUPPER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} config) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${config}) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${config}) if(${with_linker}) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_${config}) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_${config}) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_${config}) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_${config}) endif() else() # handle multi config generators (like msvc, xcode) foreach(config ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}) string(TOUPPER ${config} config) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${config}) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${config}) if(${with_linker}) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_${config}) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_${config}) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_${config}) list(APPEND ${result} CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_${config}) endif() endforeach() endif() endmacro() # ucm_set_runtime # Sets the runtime (static/dynamic) for msvc/gcc macro(ucm_set_runtime) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "STATIC;DYNAMIC" "" "" ${ARGN}) if(ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "unrecognized arguments: ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}") endif() if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang" STREQUAL "") message(AUTHOR_WARNING "ucm_set_runtime() does not support clang yet!") endif() ucm_gather_flags(0 flags_configs) # add/replace the flags # note that if the user has messed with the flags directly this function might fail # - for example if with MSVC and the user has removed the flags - here we just switch/replace them if("${ARG_STATIC}") foreach(flags ${flags_configs}) if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") if(NOT ${flags} MATCHES "-static-libstdc\\+\\+") set(${flags} "${${flags}} -static-libstdc++") endif() if(NOT ${flags} MATCHES "-static-libgcc") set(${flags} "${${flags}} -static-libgcc") endif() elseif(MSVC) if(${flags} MATCHES "/MD") string(REGEX REPLACE "/MD" "/MT" ${flags} "${${flags}}") endif() endif() endforeach() elseif("${ARG_DYNAMIC}") foreach(flags ${flags_configs}) if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") if(${flags} MATCHES "-static-libstdc\\+\\+") string(REGEX REPLACE "-static-libstdc\\+\\+" "" ${flags} "${${flags}}") endif() if(${flags} MATCHES "-static-libgcc") string(REGEX REPLACE "-static-libgcc" "" ${flags} "${${flags}}") endif() elseif(MSVC) if(${flags} MATCHES "/MT") string(REGEX REPLACE "/MT" "/MD" ${flags} "${${flags}}") endif() endif() endforeach() endif() endmacro() # ucm_print_flags # Prints all compiler flags for all configurations macro(ucm_print_flags) ucm_gather_flags(1 flags_configs) message("") foreach(flags ${flags_configs}) message("${flags}: ${${flags}}") endforeach() message("") endmacro() # ucm_set_xcode_attrib # Set xcode attributes - name value CONFIG config1 conifg2.. macro(ucm_set_xcode_attrib) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "" "CLEAR" "CONFIG" ${ARGN}) if(NOT ARG_CONFIG) set(ARG_CONFIG " ") endif() foreach(CONFIG ${ARG_CONFIG}) # determine to which attributes to add if(${CONFIG} STREQUAL " ") if(${ARG_CLEAR}) # clear the old flags unset(CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_${ARGV0}) else() set(CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_${ARGV0} ${ARGV1}) endif() else() if(${ARG_CLEAR}) # clear the old flags unset(CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_${ARGV0}[variant=${CONFIG}]) else() set(CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_${ARGV0}[variant=${CONFIG}] ${ARGV1}) endif() endif() endforeach() endmacro() # ucm_count_sources # Counts the number of source files macro(ucm_count_sources) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "" "RESULT" "" ${ARGN}) if(${ARG_RESULT} STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Need to pass RESULT and a variable name to ucm_count_sources()") endif() set(result 0) foreach(SOURCE_FILE ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) if("${SOURCE_FILE}" MATCHES \\.\(c|C|cc|cp|cpp|CPP|c\\+\\+|cxx|i|ii\)$) math(EXPR result "${result} + 1") endif() endforeach() set(${ARG_RESULT} ${result}) endmacro() # ucm_include_file_in_sources # Includes the file to the source with compiler flags macro(ucm_include_file_in_sources) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "" "HEADER" "" ${ARGN}) if(${ARG_HEADER} STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Need to pass HEADER and a header file to ucm_include_file_in_sources()") endif() foreach(src ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) if(${src} MATCHES \\.\(c|C|cc|cp|cpp|CPP|c\\+\\+|cxx\)$) # get old flags get_source_file_property(old_compile_flags ${src} COMPILE_FLAGS) if(old_compile_flags STREQUAL "NOTFOUND") set(old_compile_flags "") endif() # update flags if(MSVC) set_source_files_properties(${src} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${old_compile_flags} /FI\"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${ARG_HEADER}\"") else() set_source_files_properties(${src} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${old_compile_flags} -include \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${ARG_HEADER}\"") endif() endif() endforeach() endmacro() # ucm_dir_list # Returns a list of subdirectories for a given directory macro(ucm_dir_list thedir result) file(GLOB sub-dir "${thedir}/*") set(list_of_dirs "") foreach(dir ${sub-dir}) if(IS_DIRECTORY ${dir}) get_filename_component(DIRNAME ${dir} NAME) LIST(APPEND list_of_dirs ${DIRNAME}) endif() endforeach() set(${result} ${list_of_dirs}) endmacro() # ucm_trim_front_words # Trims X times the front word from a string separated with "/" and removes # the front "/" characters after that (used for filters for visual studio) macro(ucm_trim_front_words source out num_filter_trims) set(result "${source}") set(counter 0) while(${counter} LESS ${num_filter_trims}) MATH(EXPR counter "${counter} + 1") # removes everything at the front up to a "/" character string(REGEX REPLACE "^([^/]+)" "" result "${result}") # removes all consecutive "/" characters from the front string(REGEX REPLACE "^(/+)" "" result "${result}") endwhile() set(${out} ${result}) endmacro() # ucm_remove_files # Removes source files from a list of sources (path is the relative path for it to be found) macro(ucm_remove_files) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "" "FROM" "" ${ARGN}) if("${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Need to pass some relative files to ucm_remove_files()") endif() if(${ARG_FROM} STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Need to pass FROM and a variable name to ucm_remove_files()") endif() foreach(cur_file ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) list(REMOVE_ITEM ${ARG_FROM} ${cur_file}) endforeach() endmacro() # ucm_remove_directories # Removes all source files from the given directories from the sources list macro(ucm_remove_directories) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "" "FROM" "MATCHES" ${ARGN}) if("${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Need to pass some relative directories to ucm_remove_directories()") endif() if(${ARG_FROM} STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Need to pass FROM and a variable name to ucm_remove_directories()") endif() foreach(cur_dir ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) foreach(cur_file ${${ARG_FROM}}) string(REGEX MATCH ${cur_dir} res ${cur_file}) if(NOT "${res}" STREQUAL "") if("${ARG_MATCHES}" STREQUAL "") list(REMOVE_ITEM ${ARG_FROM} ${cur_file}) else() foreach(curr_ptrn ${ARG_MATCHES}) string(REGEX MATCH ${curr_ptrn} res ${cur_file}) if(NOT "${res}" STREQUAL "") list(REMOVE_ITEM ${ARG_FROM} ${cur_file}) break() endif() endforeach() endif() endif() endforeach() endforeach() endmacro() # ucm_add_files_impl macro(ucm_add_files_impl result trim files) foreach(cur_file ${files}) SET(${result} ${${result}} ${cur_file}) get_filename_component(FILEPATH ${cur_file} PATH) ucm_trim_front_words("${FILEPATH}" FILEPATH "${trim}") # replacing forward slashes with back slashes so filters can be generated (back slash used in parsing...) STRING(REPLACE "/" "\\" FILTERS "${FILEPATH}") SOURCE_GROUP("${FILTERS}" FILES ${cur_file}) endforeach() endmacro() # ucm_add_files # Adds files to a list of sources macro(ucm_add_files) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "" "TO;FILTER_POP" "" ${ARGN}) if("${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Need to pass some relative files to ucm_add_files()") endif() if(${ARG_TO} STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Need to pass TO and a variable name to ucm_add_files()") endif() if("${ARG_FILTER_POP}" STREQUAL "") set(ARG_FILTER_POP 0) endif() ucm_add_files_impl(${ARG_TO} ${ARG_FILTER_POP} "${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}") endmacro() # ucm_add_dir_impl macro(ucm_add_dir_impl result rec trim dirs_in additional_ext) set(dirs "${dirs_in}") # handle the "" and "." cases if("${dirs}" STREQUAL "" OR "${dirs}" STREQUAL ".") set(dirs "./") endif() foreach(cur_dir ${dirs}) # to circumvent some linux/cmake/path issues - barely made it work... if(cur_dir STREQUAL "./") set(cur_dir "") else() set(cur_dir "${cur_dir}/") endif() # since unix is case sensitive - add these valid extensions too # we don't use "UNIX" but instead "CMAKE_HOST_UNIX" because we might be cross # compiling (for example emscripten) under windows and UNIX may be set to 1 # Also OSX is case insensitive like windows... set(additional_file_extensions "") if(CMAKE_HOST_UNIX AND NOT APPLE) set(additional_file_extensions "${cur_dir}*.CPP" "${cur_dir}*.C" "${cur_dir}*.H" "${cur_dir}*.HPP" ) endif() foreach(ext ${additional_ext}) list(APPEND additional_file_extensions "${cur_dir}*.${ext}") endforeach() # find all sources and set them as result FILE(GLOB found_sources RELATIVE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" # https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.4.1/gcc/Overall-Options.html#index-file-name-suffix-71 # sources "${cur_dir}*.cpp" "${cur_dir}*.cxx" "${cur_dir}*.c++" "${cur_dir}*.cc" "${cur_dir}*.cp" "${cur_dir}*.c" "${cur_dir}*.i" "${cur_dir}*.ii" # headers "${cur_dir}*.h" "${cur_dir}*.h++" "${cur_dir}*.hpp" "${cur_dir}*.hxx" "${cur_dir}*.hh" "${cur_dir}*.inl" "${cur_dir}*.inc" "${cur_dir}*.ipp" "${cur_dir}*.ixx" "${cur_dir}*.txx" "${cur_dir}*.tpp" "${cur_dir}*.tcc" "${cur_dir}*.tpl" ${additional_file_extensions}) SET(${result} ${${result}} ${found_sources}) # set the proper filters ucm_trim_front_words("${cur_dir}" cur_dir "${trim}") # replacing forward slashes with back slashes so filters can be generated (back slash used in parsing...) STRING(REPLACE "/" "\\" FILTERS "${cur_dir}") SOURCE_GROUP("${FILTERS}" FILES ${found_sources}) endforeach() if(${rec}) foreach(cur_dir ${dirs}) ucm_dir_list("${cur_dir}" subdirs) foreach(subdir ${subdirs}) ucm_add_dir_impl(${result} ${rec} ${trim} "${cur_dir}/${subdir}" "${additional_ext}") endforeach() endforeach() endif() endmacro() # ucm_add_dirs # Adds all files from directories traversing them recursively to a list of sources # and generates filters according to their location (accepts relative paths only). # Also this macro trims X times the front word from the filter string for visual studio filters. macro(ucm_add_dirs) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "RECURSIVE" "TO;FILTER_POP" "ADDITIONAL_EXT" ${ARGN}) if(${ARG_TO} STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Need to pass TO and a variable name to ucm_add_dirs()") endif() if("${ARG_FILTER_POP}" STREQUAL "") set(ARG_FILTER_POP 0) endif() ucm_add_dir_impl(${ARG_TO} ${ARG_RECURSIVE} ${ARG_FILTER_POP} "${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" "${ARG_ADDITIONAL_EXT}") endmacro() # ucm_add_target # Adds a target eligible for cotiring - unity build and/or precompiled header macro(ucm_add_target) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "UNITY" "NAME;TYPE;PCH_FILE;CPP_PER_UNITY" "UNITY_EXCLUDED;SOURCES" ${ARGN}) if(NOT "${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Unrecognized options passed to ucm_add_target()") endif() if("${ARG_NAME}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Need to pass NAME and a name for the target to ucm_add_target()") endif() set(valid_types EXECUTABLE STATIC SHARED MODULE) list(FIND valid_types "${ARG_TYPE}" is_type_valid) if(${is_type_valid} STREQUAL "-1") message(FATAL_ERROR "Need to pass TYPE and the type for the target [EXECUTABLE/STATIC/SHARED/MODULE] to ucm_add_target()") endif() if("${ARG_SOURCES}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Need to pass SOURCES and a list of source files to ucm_add_target()") endif() # init with the global unity flag set(do_unity ${UCM_UNITY_BUILD}) # check the UNITY argument if(NOT ARG_UNITY) set(do_unity FALSE) endif() # if target is excluded through the exclusion list list(FIND UCM_UNITY_BUILD_EXCLUDE_TARGETS ${ARG_NAME} is_target_excluded) if(NOT ${is_target_excluded} STREQUAL "-1") set(do_unity FALSE) endif() # unity build only for targets with > 1 source file (otherwise there will be an additional unnecessary target) if(do_unity) # optimization ucm_count_sources(${ARG_SOURCES} RESULT num_sources) if(${num_sources} LESS 2) set(do_unity FALSE) endif() endif() set(wanted_cotire ${do_unity}) # if cotire cannot be used if(do_unity AND NOT ucm_with_cotire) set(do_unity FALSE) endif() # inform the developer that the current target might benefit from a unity build if(NOT ARG_UNITY AND ${UCM_UNITY_BUILD}) ucm_count_sources(${ARG_SOURCES} RESULT num_sources) if(${num_sources} GREATER 1) message(AUTHOR_WARNING "Target '${ARG_NAME}' may benefit from a unity build.\nIt has ${num_sources} sources - enable with UNITY flag") endif() endif() # prepare for the unity build set(orig_target ${ARG_NAME}) if(do_unity) # the original target will be added with a different name than the requested set(orig_target ${ARG_NAME}_ORIGINAL) # exclude requested files from unity build of the current target foreach(excluded_file "${ARG_UNITY_EXCLUDED}") set_source_files_properties(${excluded_file} PROPERTIES COTIRE_EXCLUDED TRUE) endforeach() endif() # add the original target if(${ARG_TYPE} STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE") add_executable(${orig_target} ${ARG_SOURCES}) else() add_library(${orig_target} ${ARG_TYPE} ${ARG_SOURCES}) endif() if(do_unity) # set the number of unity cpp files to be used for the unity target if(NOT "${ARG_CPP_PER_UNITY}" STREQUAL "") set_property(TARGET ${orig_target} PROPERTY COTIRE_UNITY_SOURCE_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_INCLUDES "${ARG_CPP_PER_UNITY}") else() set_property(TARGET ${orig_target} PROPERTY COTIRE_UNITY_SOURCE_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_INCLUDES "100") endif() if(NOT "${ARG_PCH_FILE}" STREQUAL "") set_target_properties(${orig_target} PROPERTIES COTIRE_CXX_PREFIX_HEADER_INIT "${ARG_PCH_FILE}") else() set_target_properties(${orig_target} PROPERTIES COTIRE_ENABLE_PRECOMPILED_HEADER FALSE) endif() # add a unity target for the original one with the name intended for the original set_target_properties(${orig_target} PROPERTIES COTIRE_UNITY_TARGET_NAME ${ARG_NAME}) # this is the library call that does the magic cotire(${orig_target}) set_target_properties(clean_cotire PROPERTIES FOLDER "CMakePredefinedTargets") # disable the original target and enable the unity one get_target_property(unity_target_name ${orig_target} COTIRE_UNITY_TARGET_NAME) set_target_properties(${orig_target} PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL 1 EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD 1) set_target_properties(${unity_target_name} PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL 0 EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD 0) # also set the name of the target output as the original one set_target_properties(${unity_target_name} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${ARG_NAME}) if(UCM_NO_COTIRE_FOLDER) # reset the folder property so all unity targets dont end up in a single folder in the solution explorer of VS set_target_properties(${unity_target_name} PROPERTIES FOLDER "") endif() set_target_properties(all_unity PROPERTIES FOLDER "CMakePredefinedTargets") elseif(NOT "${ARG_PCH_FILE}" STREQUAL "") set(wanted_cotire TRUE) if(ucm_with_cotire) set_target_properties(${orig_target} PROPERTIES COTIRE_ADD_UNITY_BUILD FALSE) set_target_properties(${orig_target} PROPERTIES COTIRE_CXX_PREFIX_HEADER_INIT "${ARG_PCH_FILE}") cotire(${orig_target}) set_target_properties(clean_cotire PROPERTIES FOLDER "CMakePredefinedTargets") endif() endif() # print a message if the target was requested to be cotired but it couldn't if(wanted_cotire AND NOT ucm_with_cotire) if(NOT COMMAND cotire) message(AUTHOR_WARNING "Target \"${ARG_NAME}\" not cotired because cotire isn't loaded") else() message(AUTHOR_WARNING "Target \"${ARG_NAME}\" not cotired because cotire is older than the required version") endif() endif() endmacro()