'message', 'guild_get_members' => 'guild_member_map', 'guild_search_members' => 'guild_member_map', 'message_create' => 'message', 'message_edit' => 'message', 'message_add_reaction' => 'confirmation', 'message_delete_reaction' => 'confirmation', 'message_delete_reaction_emoji' => 'confirmation', 'message_delete_all_reactions' => 'confirmation', 'message_delete_own_reaction' => 'confirmation', 'channel_edit_permissions' => 'confirmation', 'channel_typing' => 'confirmation', 'message_get_reactions' => 'emoji_map', 'thread_create_in_forum' => 'thread', 'threads_get_active' => 'active_threads', 'user_get_cached' => 'user_identified', 'application_role_connection_get' => 'application_role_connection', 'application_role_connection_update' => 'application_role_connection' ]; /* Get the contents of cluster.h into an array */ $header = explode("\n", file_get_contents('include/dpp/cluster.h')); /* Finite state machine state constants */ const STATE_SEARCH_FOR_FUNCTION = 0; const STATE_IN_FUNCTION = 1; const STATE_END_OF_FUNCTION = 2; $state = STATE_SEARCH_FOR_FUNCTION; $currentFunction = $parameters = $returnType = ''; $content = $generator->generateHeaderStart(); $cppcontent = $generator->generatecppStart(); if (!$generator->checkForChanges()) { exit(0); } $lastFunc = ''; $l = 0; /* Scan every line of the C++ source */ foreach ($clustercpp as $cpp) { $l++; /* Look for declaration of function body */ if ($state == STATE_SEARCH_FOR_FUNCTION && preg_match('/^\s*void\s+cluster::([^(]+)\s*\((.*)command_completion_event_t\s*callback\s*\)/', $cpp, $matches)) { $currentFunction = $matches[1]; $parameters = preg_replace('/,\s*$/', '', $matches[2]); if (!in_array($currentFunction, $blacklist)) { $state = STATE_IN_FUNCTION; } /* Scan function body */ } elseif ($state == STATE_IN_FUNCTION) { /* End of function */ if (preg_match('/^\}\s*$/', $cpp)) { $state = STATE_END_OF_FUNCTION; /* look for the return type of the method */ } elseif (preg_match('/rest_request<([^>]+)>/', $cpp, $matches)) { /* rest_request */ $returnType = $matches[1]; } elseif (preg_match('/rest_request_list<([^>]+)>/', $cpp, $matches)) { /* rest_request_list */ $returnType = $matches[1] . '_map'; } elseif (preg_match('/callback\(confirmation_callback_t\(\w+, ([^(]+)\(.*, \w+\)\)/', $cpp, $matches)) { /* confirmation_callback_t */ $returnType = $matches[1]; } elseif (!empty($forcedReturn[$currentFunction])) { /* Forced return type */ $returnType = $forcedReturn[$currentFunction]; } } /* Completed parsing of function body */ if ($state == STATE_END_OF_FUNCTION && !empty($currentFunction) && !empty($returnType)) { if (!in_array($currentFunction, $blacklist)) { $parameterList = explode(',', $parameters); $parameterNames = []; $parameterTypes = []; foreach ($parameterList as $parameter) { $parts = explode(' ', trim($parameter)); $name = trim(preg_replace('/[\s\*\&]+/', '', $parts[count($parts) - 1])); $parameterNames[] = $name; $parameterTypes[] = trim(substr($parameter, 0, strlen($parameter) - strlen($name))); } $content .= getComments($generator, $currentFunction, $returnType, $parameterNames) . "\n"; $fullParameters = getFullParameters($currentFunction, $parameterNames); $parameterNames = trim(join(', ', $parameterNames)); $parameterTypes = trim(join(', ', $parameterTypes)); if (!empty($parameterNames)) { $parameterNames = ', ' . $parameterNames; } $noDefaults = $parameters; $parameters = !empty($fullParameters) ? $fullParameters : $parameters; $content .= $generator->generateHeaderDef($returnType, $currentFunction, $parameters, $noDefaults, $parameterTypes, $parameterNames); $cppcontent .= $generator->generateCppDef($returnType, $currentFunction, $parameters, $noDefaults, $parameterTypes, $parameterNames); } $lastFunc = $currentFunction; $currentFunction = $parameters = $returnType = ''; $state = STATE_SEARCH_FOR_FUNCTION; } } if ($state != STATE_SEARCH_FOR_FUNCTION) { die("\n\n\nBuilding headers is broken ($l) - state machine finished in the middle of function $currentFunction (previous $lastFunc) with parameters $parameters rv $returnType state=$state\n\n\n"); } $content .= << $line) { if (preg_match('/^\s*void\s+' . $currentFunction . '\s*\(.*' . join('.*', $parameters) . '.*command_completion_event_t\s*callback\s*/', $line)) { /* Backpeddle */ $lineIndex = 1; for ($n = $i; $n != 0; --$n, $lineIndex++) { $header[$n] = preg_replace('/^\t+/', '', $header[$n]); $header[$n] = preg_replace('/@see (.+?)$/', '@see dpp::cluster::' . $currentFunction . "\n * @see \\1", $header[$n]); $header[$n] = preg_replace('/@param callback .*$/', '@return ' . $returnType . ' returned object on completion', $header[$n]); if (preg_match('/\s*\* On success /i', $header[$n])) { $header[$n] = ""; } if (preg_match('/\s*\/\*\*\s*$/', $header[$n])) { $part = array_slice($header, $n, $lineIndex - 1); array_splice($part, count($part) - 1, 0, $generator->getCommentArray()); return str_replace("\n\n", "\n", join("\n", $part)); } } return ''; } } return ''; } /* Finished parsing, output autogenerated files */ $generator->saveHeader($content); $generator->savecpp($cppcontent);