185 lines
7.2 KiB
185 lines
7.2 KiB
#pragma once
#include <tuple> // std::tuple
#include <string> // std::string
#include <memory> // std::unique_ptr
#include <type_traits> // std::is_same, std::is_member_object_pointer
#include "functional/cxx_universal.h"
#include "functional/cxx_type_traits_polyfill.h"
#include "tuple_helper/tuple_traits.h"
#include "tuple_helper/tuple_filter.h"
#include "type_traits.h"
#include "member_traits/member_traits.h"
#include "type_is_nullable.h"
#include "constraints.h"
namespace sqlite_orm {
namespace internal {
struct column_identifier {
* Column name.
std::string name;
struct empty_setter {};
* Encapsulates object member pointers that are used as column fields,
* and whose object is mapped to storage.
* G is a member object pointer or member function pointer
* S is a member function pointer or `empty_setter`
template<class G, class S>
struct column_field {
using member_pointer_t = G;
using setter_type = S;
using object_type = member_object_type_t<G>;
using field_type = member_field_type_t<G>;
* Member pointer used to read a field value.
* If it is a object member pointer it is also used to write a field value.
const member_pointer_t member_pointer;
* Setter member function to write a field value
const setter_type setter;
* Simplified interface for `NOT NULL` constraint
constexpr bool is_not_null() const {
return !type_is_nullable<field_type>::value;
* Encapsulates a tuple of column constraints.
* Op... is a constraints pack, e.g. primary_key_t, unique_t etc
template<class... Op>
struct column_constraints {
using constraints_type = std::tuple<Op...>;
constraints_type constraints;
* Checks whether contraints are of trait `Trait`
template<template<class...> class Trait>
constexpr bool is() const {
return tuple_has<Trait, constraints_type>::value;
constexpr bool is_generated() const {
return is<is_generated_always>();
return false;
* Simplified interface for `DEFAULT` constraint
* @return string representation of default value if it exists otherwise nullptr
std::unique_ptr<std::string> default_value() const;
* Column definition.
* It is a composition of orthogonal information stored in different base classes.
template<class G, class S, class... Op>
struct column_t : column_identifier, column_field<G, S>, column_constraints<Op...> {
column_t(std::string name, G memberPointer, S setter, std::tuple<Op...> op) :
column_identifier{std::move(name)}, column_field<G, S>{memberPointer, setter},
column_constraints<Op...>{std::move(op)} {}
template<class T>
SQLITE_ORM_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_column_v = polyfill::is_specialization_of_v<T, column_t>;
template<class T>
using is_column = polyfill::bool_constant<is_column_v<T>>;
template<class Elements, class F>
using col_index_sequence_with_field_type =
check_if_is_type<F>::template fn,
filter_tuple_sequence_t<Elements, is_column>>;
template<class Elements, template<class...> class TraitFn>
using col_index_sequence_with = filter_tuple_sequence_t<Elements,
check_if_tuple_has<TraitFn>::template fn,
filter_tuple_sequence_t<Elements, is_column>>;
template<class Elements, template<class...> class TraitFn>
using col_index_sequence_excluding = filter_tuple_sequence_t<Elements,
check_if_tuple_has_not<TraitFn>::template fn,
filter_tuple_sequence_t<Elements, is_column>>;
* Column builder function. You should use it to create columns instead of constructor
template<class M, class... Op, internal::satisfies<std::is_member_object_pointer, M> = true>
internal::column_t<M, internal::empty_setter, Op...> make_column(std::string name, M m, Op... constraints) {
static_assert(polyfill::conjunction_v<internal::is_constraint<Op>...>, "Incorrect constraints pack");
SQLITE_ORM_CLANG_SUPPRESS_MISSING_BRACES(return {std::move(name), m, {}, std::make_tuple(constraints...)});
* Column builder function with setter and getter. You should use it to create columns instead of constructor
template<class G,
class S,
class... Op,
internal::satisfies<internal::is_getter, G> = true,
internal::satisfies<internal::is_setter, S> = true>
internal::column_t<G, S, Op...> make_column(std::string name, S setter, G getter, Op... constraints) {
static_assert(std::is_same<internal::setter_field_type_t<S>, internal::getter_field_type_t<G>>::value,
"Getter and setter must get and set same data type");
static_assert(polyfill::conjunction_v<internal::is_constraint<Op>...>, "Incorrect constraints pack");
return {std::move(name), getter, setter, std::make_tuple(constraints...)});
* Column builder function with getter and setter (reverse order). You should use it to create columns instead of
* constructor
template<class G,
class S,
class... Op,
internal::satisfies<internal::is_getter, G> = true,
internal::satisfies<internal::is_setter, S> = true>
internal::column_t<G, S, Op...> make_column(std::string name, G getter, S setter, Op... constraints) {
static_assert(std::is_same<internal::setter_field_type_t<S>, internal::getter_field_type_t<G>>::value,
"Getter and setter must get and set same data type");
static_assert(polyfill::conjunction_v<internal::is_constraint<Op>...>, "Incorrect constraints pack");
return {std::move(name), getter, setter, std::make_tuple(constraints...)});