/* * Copyright (C) 2024 Brett Terpstra * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "blt/gfx/renderer/resource_manager.h" #include "blt/gfx/renderer/batch_2d_renderer.h" #include "blt/gfx/renderer/camera.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include blt::gfx::matrix_state_manager global_matrices; blt::gfx::resource_manager resources; blt::gfx::batch_renderer_2d renderer_2d(resources); blt::gfx::first_person_camera_2d camera; blt::gfx::fbo_t render_texture; blt::u64 lastTime; double ft = 0; double fps = 0; int sub_ticks = 1; namespace im = ImGui; class node { private: blt::gfx::point2d_t point; blt::vec2 velocity; public: explicit node(const blt::gfx::point2d_t& point): point(point) {} blt::vec2& getVelocityRef() { return velocity; } blt::vec2& getPositionRef() { return point.pos; } [[nodiscard]] const blt::vec2& getPosition() const { return point.pos; } [[nodiscard]] auto& getRenderObj() const { return point; } }; class edge { private: blt::u64 i1, i2; public: edge(blt::u64 i1, blt::u64 i2): i1(i1), i2(i2) { BLT_ASSERT(i1 != i2 && "Indices cannot be equal!"); } inline friend bool operator==(edge e1, edge e2) { return (e1.i1 == e2.i1 || e1.i1 == e2.i2) && (e1.i2 == e2.i1 || e1.i2 == e2.i2); } [[nodiscard]] size_t getFirst() const { return i1; } [[nodiscard]] size_t getSecond() const { return i2; } }; struct edge_hash { blt::u64 operator()(const edge& e) const { return e.getFirst() * e.getSecond(); } }; struct equation_variables { float repulsive_constant = 12.0; float spring_constant = 24.0; float ideal_spring_length = 175.0; float initial_temperature = 69.5; float cooling_rate = 0.999; equation_variables() = default; }; class force_equation { public: using node_pair = const std::pair&; protected: const equation_variables& variables; struct equation_data { blt::vec2 unit; float mag, mag_sq; equation_data(blt::vec2 unit, float mag, float mag_sq): unit(unit), mag(mag), mag_sq(mag_sq) {} }; inline static blt::vec2 dir_v(node_pair v1, node_pair v2) { return v2.second.getPosition() - v1.second.getPosition(); } inline static equation_data calc_data(node_pair v1, node_pair v2) { auto dir = dir_v(v1, v2); auto mag = dir.magnitude(); auto unit = mag == 0 ? blt::vec2() : dir / mag; auto mag_sq = mag * mag; return {unit, mag, mag_sq}; } public: explicit force_equation(const equation_variables& variables): variables(variables) {} [[nodiscard]] virtual blt::vec2 attr(node_pair v1, node_pair v2) const = 0; [[nodiscard]] virtual blt::vec2 rep(node_pair v1, node_pair v2) const = 0; [[nodiscard]] virtual std::string name() const = 0; [[nodiscard]] virtual float cooling_factor(int t) const { return static_cast(variables.initial_temperature * std::pow(variables.cooling_rate, t)); } virtual ~force_equation() = default; }; class Eades_equation : public force_equation { public: explicit Eades_equation(const equation_variables& variables): force_equation(variables) {} [[nodiscard]] blt::vec2 attr(node_pair v1, node_pair v2) const final { auto data = calc_data(v1, v2); BLT_TRACE(&variables); auto ideal = std::log(data.mag / variables.ideal_spring_length); return variables.spring_constant * ideal * data.unit; } [[nodiscard]] blt::vec2 rep(node_pair v1, node_pair v2) const final { auto data = calc_data(v1, v2); auto scale = variables.repulsive_constant / data.mag_sq; return scale * -data.unit; } [[nodiscard]] std::string name() const final { return "Eades"; } }; class Fruchterman_Reingold_equation : public force_equation { public: explicit Fruchterman_Reingold_equation(const equation_variables& variables): force_equation(variables) {} [[nodiscard]] blt::vec2 attr(node_pair v1, node_pair v2) const final { auto data = calc_data(v1, v2); float scale = data.mag_sq / variables.ideal_spring_length; return scale * data.unit; } [[nodiscard]] blt::vec2 rep(node_pair v1, node_pair v2) const final { auto data = calc_data(v1, v2); float scale = (variables.ideal_spring_length * variables.ideal_spring_length) / data.mag; return scale * -data.unit; } [[nodiscard]] float cooling_factor(int t) const override { return force_equation::cooling_factor(t) * 0.025f; } [[nodiscard]] std::string name() const final { return "Fruchterman & Reingold"; } }; struct bounding_box { int min_x = 0; int min_y = 0; int max_x = 0; int max_y = 0; bounding_box(int min_x, int min_y, int max_x, int max_y): min_x(min_x), min_y(min_y), max_x(max_x), max_y(max_y) {} bool is_screen = true; }; class graph { private: std::vector nodes; blt::hashset_t edges; blt::hashmap_t> connected_nodes; bool sim = false; float sim_speed = 1; float threshold = 0.01; float max_force_last = 1; int current_iterations = 0; int max_iterations = 5000; equation_variables variables; std::unique_ptr equation; static constexpr float POINT_SIZE = 35; void create_random_graph(bounding_box bb, blt::size_t min_nodes, blt::size_t max_nodes, blt::f64 connectivity) { // don't allow points too close to the edges of the window. if (bb.is_screen) { bb.max_x -= POINT_SIZE; bb.max_y -= POINT_SIZE; bb.min_x += POINT_SIZE; bb.min_y += POINT_SIZE; } static std::random_device dev; static std::uniform_real_distribution chance(0.0, 1.0); std::uniform_int_distribution node_count_dist(min_nodes, max_nodes); std::uniform_real_distribution pos_x_dist(static_cast(bb.min_x), static_cast(bb.max_x)); std::uniform_real_distribution pos_y_dist(static_cast(bb.min_y), static_cast(bb.max_y)); auto node_count = node_count_dist(dev); for (blt::size_t i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { float x, y; do { bool can_break = true; x = pos_x_dist(dev); y = pos_y_dist(dev); for (const auto& node : nodes) { const auto& rp = node.getRenderObj().pos; float dx = rp.x() - x; float dy = rp.y() - y; float dist = std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); if (dist <= POINT_SIZE) { can_break = false; break; } } if (can_break) break; } while (true); nodes.push_back(node({x, y, POINT_SIZE})); } for (const auto& node1 : blt::enumerate(nodes)) { for (const auto& node2 : blt::enumerate(nodes)) { if (node1.first == node2.first) continue; if (chance(dev) <= connectivity) connect(node1.first, node2.first); } } std::uniform_int_distribution node_select_dist(0ul, nodes.size() - 1); for (blt::size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { if (connected_nodes[i].size() <= 1) { for (blt::size_t j = connected_nodes[i].size(); j < 2; j++) { blt::u64 select; do { select = node_select_dist(dev); if (select != i && !connected_nodes[i].contains(select)) break; } while (true); connect(i, select); } } } } public: graph() = default; graph(const bounding_box& bb, blt::size_t min_nodes, blt::size_t max_nodes, blt::f64 connectivity) { BLT_DEBUG(&variables); create_random_graph(bb, min_nodes, max_nodes, connectivity); use_Eades(); } void reset(const bounding_box& bb, blt::size_t min_nodes, blt::size_t max_nodes, blt::f64 connectivity) { sim = false; current_iterations = 0; max_force_last = 1.0; nodes.clear(); edges.clear(); connected_nodes.clear(); create_random_graph(bb, min_nodes, max_nodes, connectivity); } void connect(blt::u64 n1, blt::u64 n2) { edges.insert(edge{n1, n2}); connected_nodes[n1].insert(n2); connected_nodes[n2].insert(n1); } [[nodiscard]] bool connected(blt::u64 e1, blt::u64 e2) const { return edges.contains({e1, e2}); } void render(double frame_time) { if (sim && current_iterations < max_iterations && max_force_last > threshold) { BLT_INFO(&variables); for (int _ = 0; _ < sub_ticks; _++) { // calculate new forces for (const auto& v1 : blt::enumerate(nodes)) { blt::vec2 attractive; blt::vec2 repulsive; for (const auto& v2 : blt::enumerate(nodes)) { if (v1.first == v2.first) continue; attractive += equation->attr(v1, v2); repulsive += equation->rep(v1, v2); } v1.second.getVelocityRef() = attractive + repulsive; } max_force_last = 0; // update positions for (auto& v : nodes) { float sim_factor = static_cast(frame_time * sim_speed) * 0.05f; v.getPositionRef() += v.getVelocityRef() * equation->cooling_factor(current_iterations) * sim_factor; max_force_last = std::max(max_force_last, v.getVelocityRef().magnitude()); } current_iterations++; } } for (const auto& point : nodes) renderer_2d.drawPointInternal("parker", point.getRenderObj(), 10.0f); for (const auto& edge : edges) { if (edge.getFirst() >= nodes.size() || edge.getSecond() >= nodes.size()) { BLT_WARN("Edge Error %ld %ld %ld", edge.getFirst(), edge.getSecond(), nodes.size()); } else { auto n1 = nodes[edge.getFirst()]; auto n2 = nodes[edge.getSecond()]; renderer_2d.drawLine(blt::make_color(0, 1, 0), 5.0f, n1.getRenderObj().pos, n2.getRenderObj().pos, 2.0f); } } } void use_Eades() { equation = std::make_unique(variables); } void use_Fruchterman_Reingold() { equation = std::make_unique(variables); } void start_sim() { sim = true; } void stop_sim() { sim = false; } std::string getSimulatorName() { return equation->name(); } float& getSimSpeed() { return sim_speed; } float& getThreshold() { return threshold; } float& getSpringConstant() { return variables.spring_constant; } float& getInitialTemperature() { return variables.initial_temperature; } float& getCoolingRate() { return variables.cooling_rate; } float& getIdealSpringLength() { return variables.ideal_spring_length; } float& getRepulsionConstant() { return variables.repulsive_constant; } int& getMaxIterations() { return max_iterations; } [[nodiscard]] int numberOfNodes() const { return static_cast(nodes.size()); } }; graph main_graph; #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ std::string resource_prefix = "../"; #else std::string resource_prefix = "../"; #endif void init(const blt::gfx::window_data& data) { using namespace blt::gfx; resources.setPrefixDirectory(resource_prefix); resources.enqueue("res/debian.png", "debian"); resources.enqueue("res/parker.png", "parker"); resources.enqueue("res/parker cat ears.jpg", "parkercat"); global_matrices.create_internals(); resources.load_resources(); renderer_2d.create(); bounding_box bb(0, 0, data.width, data.height); main_graph = graph(bb, 5, 25, 0.2); lastTime = blt::system::nanoTime(); //render_texture = fbo_t::make_multisample_render_texture(1440, 720, 4); //render_texture = fbo_t::make_multisample_render_target(1440, 720, 8); //render_texture = fbo_t::make_render_target(1440, 720); //render_texture = fbo_t::make_render_texture(1440, 720); } float x = 50, y = 50; float sx = 0.5, sy = 0.5; float ax = 0.05, ay = 0.05; void update(const blt::gfx::window_data& data) { global_matrices.update_perspectives(data.width, data.height, 90, 0.1, 2000); x += sx; y += sx; sx += ax; sy += ay; if (x > 256) sx *= -1; if (y > 256) sy *= -1; //im::ShowDemoWindow(); if (im::Begin("Controls", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize)) { static int min_nodes = 5; static int max_nodes = 25; static bounding_box bb {0, 0, data.width, data.height}; static float connectivity = 0.12; //im::SetNextItemOpen(true, ImGuiCond_Once); im::Text("FPS: %lf Frame-time (ms): %lf Frame-time (S): %lf", fps, ft * 1000.0, ft); im::Text("Number of Nodes: %d", main_graph.numberOfNodes()); im::SetNextItemOpen(true, ImGuiCond_Once); if (im::CollapsingHeader("Help")) { } if (im::CollapsingHeader("Graph Generation Settings")) { im::Checkbox("Screen Auto-Scale", &bb.is_screen); if (im::CollapsingHeader("Spawning Area")) { bool result = false; result |= im::InputInt("Min X", &bb.min_x, 5, 100); result |= im::InputInt("Max X", &bb.max_x, 5, 100); result |= im::InputInt("Min Y", &bb.min_y, 5, 100); result |= im::InputInt("Max Y", &bb.max_y, 5, 100); if (result) bb.is_screen = false; } if (bb.is_screen) { bb.max_x = data.width; bb.max_y = data.height; bb.min_x = 0; bb.min_y = 0; } im::SeparatorText("Node Settings"); im::InputInt("Min Nodes", &min_nodes); im::InputInt("Max Nodes", &max_nodes); im::SliderFloat("Connectivity", &connectivity, 0, 1); if (im::Button("Reset Graph")) { main_graph.reset(bb, min_nodes, max_nodes, connectivity); } } im::SetNextItemOpen(true, ImGuiCond_Once); if (im::CollapsingHeader("Simulation Settings")) { im::InputInt("Max Iterations", &main_graph.getMaxIterations()); im::InputInt("Sub-ticks Per Frame", &sub_ticks); im::InputFloat("Threshold", &main_graph.getThreshold(), 0.01, 1); im::InputFloat("Repulsive Constant", &main_graph.getRepulsionConstant(), 0.25, 10); im::InputFloat("Spring Constant", &main_graph.getSpringConstant(), 0.25, 10); im::InputFloat("Ideal Spring Length", &main_graph.getIdealSpringLength(), 2.5, 10); im::SliderFloat("Initial Temperature", &main_graph.getInitialTemperature(), 1, 100); im::SliderFloat("Cooling Rate", &main_graph.getCoolingRate(), 0, 0.999999, "%.6f"); im::SliderFloat("Simulation Speed", &main_graph.getSimSpeed(), 0, 4); if (im::Button("Start")) main_graph.start_sim(); im::SameLine(); if (im::Button("Stop")) main_graph.stop_sim(); } im::SetNextItemOpen(true, ImGuiCond_Once); if (im::CollapsingHeader("System Controls")) { //im::Text("Current System: %s", main_graph.getSimulatorName().c_str()); //im:: auto current_sim = main_graph.getSimulatorName(); const char* items[] = {"Eades", "Fruchterman & Reingold"}; static int item_current = 0; ImGui::ListBox("##SillyBox", &item_current, items, 2, 2); if (strcmp(items[item_current], current_sim.c_str()) != 0) { switch (item_current) { case 0: main_graph.use_Eades(); BLT_INFO("Using Eades"); break; case 1: main_graph.use_Fruchterman_Reingold(); BLT_INFO("Using Fruchterman & Reingold"); break; default: BLT_WARN("This is not a valid selection! How did we get here?"); break; } } } im::End(); } //renderer_2d.drawLine(blt::vec4{1, 0, 1, 1}, 0.0f, blt::vec2{x, y}, blt::vec2{500, 500}, 5.0f); //renderer_2d.drawLine(blt::vec4{1, 0, 0, 1}, 0.0f, blt::vec2{0, 150}, blt::vec2{240, 0}, 12.0f); //renderer_2d.drawPoint(blt::vec4{0, 1, 0, 1}, 1.0f, blt::vec2{500, 500}, 50.0f); //renderer_2d.drawPoint("parkercat", 1.0f, blt::vec2{800, 500}, 256.0f); main_graph.render(ft); camera.update(); camera.update_view(global_matrices); global_matrices.update(); renderer_2d.render(); auto currentTime = blt::system::nanoTime(); auto diff = currentTime - lastTime; lastTime = currentTime; ft = static_cast(diff) / 1000000000.0; fps = 1 / ft; } int main(int, const char**) { blt::gfx::init(blt::gfx::window_data{"My Sexy Window", init, update, 1440, 720}.setSyncInterval(1)); global_matrices.cleanup(); resources.cleanup(); renderer_2d.cleanup(); blt::gfx::cleanup(); return 0; }