Compare commits
No commits in common. "f0844a65640d58e82673c26e8ee5ff25a785cde8" and "9c6e536bffecfce634b9ecd169be213fd4b4143a" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Assignment 2/out/
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# Default ignored files
# Editor-based HTTP Client requests
# Datasource local storage ignored files
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
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@ -1 +0,0 @@
<html>Simple <b>Java</b> application that includes a class with <code>main()</code> method</html>
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2;
import ca.cosc3p91.a2.util.Print;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
GameEngine engine = new GameEngine();
<<<<<<< HEAD
Print test = new Print("Hello There", 2);
test.addColumn(new Print.Column("I am value 1"));
test.addColumn(new Print.Column("Super Value"));
test.addColumn(new Print.Column("SOLD!"));
Print.Row row = new Print.Row();
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
import ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects.Building;
import ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects.VillageStage;
import ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects.Village_Hall;
import ca.cosc3p91.a2.player.Player;
public class GameEngine implements Runnable {
private final boolean running = true;
private Player player;
private int pillageFactor;
private int currentTime;
<<<<<<< HEAD
public GameEngine () {
player = new Player();
VillageStage vInitialStage = new VillageStage(100,0,2,30,0,
0, 12,12,12);
map = new Map(new Village_Hall(1,vInitialStage),30);
public void printMap() {
System.out.println("~ Current Map State ~\n\n");
System.out.println("In Map:\n");
for (Building b : map.contains) {
System.out.println("|> "+b.getClass().toString()+" lvl: "+b.getLevel()+" health: "+b.getHealth());
public void attackVillage(Map map) {
public Map map;
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
public void attackVIllage(Map map) {
public Map generateMap() {
return null;
public void getScore(Map map) {
public void run() {
while (running) {
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
import ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
<<<<<<< HEAD
public class Map {
static int MAXSIZE = 400;
private Village_Hall townHall;
public class Map {
private Village_Hall townHall;
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
private int guardTime;
<<<<<<< HEAD
public List<Building> contains;
private List<Building> contains;
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
public List<Inhabitant> inhabitants;
<<<<<<< HEAD
public Map (Village_Hall villageHall, int gTime) {
contains = new ArrayList<>();
inhabitants = new ArrayList<>();
this.townHall = villageHall;
this.guardTime = gTime;
public void move(Infantry i, Tile t) {
public void inRange(Infantry i, Building b) {
public void build(Village_Hall hall, Tile t, Building b) {
public void move(Infantry i, Tile t) {
public void inRange(Infantry i, Building b) {
public void build(Village_Hall hall, Tile t, Building b) {
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
public int getGuardTime() {
return guardTime;
<<<<<<< HEAD
public void setGuardTime(int gTime) {
this.guardTime = gTime;
public void setGuardTime() {
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public class Archer extends Infantry {
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public class ArcherTower extends DefenseBuilding {
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public abstract class Building {
<<<<<<< HEAD
// members
private int level;
private int health;
private Stage stage;
private int goldCost;
private int ironCost;
private int woodCost;
private static int level;
private int health;
private static Stage stages;
private int goldCost;
private int ironCost;
private int woodCost;
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
private int buildTime;
<<<<<<< HEAD
public ArrayList<Tile> tiles = new ArrayList<>();
public ArrayList<Inhabitant> inhabitants = new ArrayList<>();
// functions
public List<Stage> stage;
public Tile tile;
public List<Inhabitant> inhabitant;
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
public int getLevel() {
return level;
public int getHealth() {
return health;
<<<<<<< HEAD
public int getCost(String type) {
return (type.equals("gold"))?(goldCost):
public Stage getStage() {
return stage;
public int getCost(String type) {
return 0;
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
public int getUpgradeCost() {
return 0;
<<<<<<< HEAD
public void setLevel(int level) {
this.level = level;
public void setHealth(int health) {
|||||| = health;
public void setStage(Stage stage) {this.stage = stage; }
public void addInhabitant(Inhabitant newMember) {
// newMember.setBuilding(this);
public void upgrade(Stage stage) {
this.stage = stage;
|||||| += stage.dHealth;
// interact with the timer regarding Upgrade time
public int getBuildTime() {
return buildTime;
public void upgrade() {
public int getBuildTime() {
return 0;
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public class Cannon extends DefenseBuilding {
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public class Catapult extends Infantry {
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public class Collector {
private int averageCollectionRate;
public int getCollectionRate() {
return averageCollectionRate;
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public class DefenseBuilding extends Building {
<<<<<<< HEAD
private int damage;
private int range;
public void upgrade(DefenseStage stage) {
this.damage += stage.getDamageChange();
this.range += stage.getRangeChange();
public int damage;
public int range;
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
public void attack(Infantry attacker) {
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
class DefenseStage extends Stage {
<<<<<<< HEAD
protected int dDamage;
protected int dDamge;
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
protected int dRange;
<<<<<<< HEAD
public DefenseStage(int dHealth, int goldCost, int requiredVillageLevel, int upgradeTime, int ironCost, int woodCost,
int damageIncrease, int rangeIncrease) {
this.dDamage = damageIncrease;
this.dRange = rangeIncrease;
public int getDamageChange() {
return dDamage;
public int getRangeChange() {
return dRange;
public void getDamageChange() {
public void getRangeChange() {
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public class Farm extends ResourceBuilding {
public Farm (int lvl, ResourceStage baseStage) {
public int getPopulationContribution() {
return 0;
public void harvest(Village_Hall hall) {
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public class GoldMine extends ResourceBuilding {
<<<<<<< HEAD
public static String resource = "gold";
public GoldMine (int lvl, ResourceStage baseStage) {
public static String resource = "good";
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
public void harvest(Village_Hall hall) {
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public abstract class Infantry {
private int health;
private int damage;
private int range;
public void attack(Building b) {
public void getHealth() {
public void getDamage() {
public void getRange() {
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public interface Inhabitant {
Map map = null;
Building building = null;
void move(Tile t);
void getPosition();
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public class IronMine extends ResourceBuilding {
public static String resource = "iron";
<<<<<<< HEAD
public IronMine (int lvl, ResourceStage baseStage) {
public void harvest(Village_Hall hall) {
public void harvest(Village_Hall hall) {
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public class Knight extends Infantry {
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public class LumberMine extends ResourceBuilding {
public static String resource = "wood";
<<<<<<< HEAD
public LumberMine (int lvl, ResourceStage baseStage) {
public void harvest(Village_Hall hall) {
public void harvest(Village_Hall hall) {
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public abstract class ResourceBuidling extends Building {
public static String resource;
private int harvest_rate;
public abstract void harvest(Village_Hall hall);
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public abstract class ResourceBuilding extends Building {
public static String resource;
private int harvest_rate;
public void upgrade(ResourceStage stage) {
this.harvest_rate += stage.getHarvestRateIncrease();
public abstract void harvest(Village_Hall hall);
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public class ResourceStage extends Stage {
protected int harvestRateIncrease;
<<<<<<< HEAD
public ResourceStage(int dHealth, int goldCost, int requiredVillageLevel, int upgradeTime, int ironCost, int woodCost,
int harvestRateIncr) {
this.harvestRateIncrease = harvestRateIncr;
public int getHarvestRateIncrease() {
return harvestRateIncrease;
public int getHarvestRateIncrease() {
return harvestRateIncrease;
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public class Soldier extends Infantry {
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
abstract class Stage {
protected int dHealth;
protected int goldCost;
protected int requiredVillageLevel;
protected int upgradeTime;
protected int ironCost;
protected int woodCost;
<<<<<<< HEAD
public Stage(int dHealth, int goldCost, int requiredVillageLevel, int upgradeTime, int ironCost, int woodCost) {
this.dHealth = dHealth;
this.goldCost = goldCost;
this.requiredVillageLevel = requiredVillageLevel;
this.upgradeTime = upgradeTime;
this.ironCost = ironCost;
this.woodCost = woodCost;
public int getHealthChange() {
return dHealth;
public int getCost(String type) {
return (type.equals("gold"))?(goldCost):
public Building building;
public void getHealthChange() {
public int getCost(String type) {
return 0;
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
public int getRequiredVillageLevel() {
return requiredVillageLevel;
public int getUpgradeTime() {
return upgradeTime;
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
import java.util.List;
public class Tile {
public int x;
public int y;
<<<<<<< HEAD
public List<Building> building;
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public class VillageStage extends Stage {
protected int goldCapacityIncrease;
protected int ironCapacityIncrease;
protected int woodCapacityIncrease;
<<<<<<< HEAD
public VillageStage(int dHealth, int goldCost, int requiredVillageLevel, int upgradeTime, int ironCost, int woodCost,
int goldCapIncrease, int ironCapIncrease, int woodCapIncrease) {
this.goldCapacityIncrease = goldCapIncrease;
this.ironCapacityIncrease = ironCapIncrease;
this.woodCapacityIncrease = woodCapIncrease;
public int getGoldCapacityIncrease() {
return goldCapacityIncrease;
public int getGoldCapacityIncrease() {
return goldCapacityIncrease;
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
public int getIronCapacityIncrease() {
return ironCapacityIncrease;
public int getWoodCapacityIncrease() {
return woodCapacityIncrease;
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Village_Hall extends Building {
<<<<<<< HEAD
private int goldCapacity = 0;
private int ironCapacity = 0;
private int woodCapacity = 0;
public Village_Hall (int lvl, VillageStage baseStage) {
public void upgrade(VillageStage stage) {
this.goldCapacity += stage.getGoldCapacityIncrease();
this.ironCapacity += stage.getIronCapacityIncrease();
this.woodCapacity += stage.getWoodCapacityIncrease();
public int getGoldCapacity() {
return goldCapacity;
public int getIronCapacity() {
return ironCapacity;
public int getWoodCapacity() {
return woodCapacity;
private int goldCapacity;
private int ironCapacity;
private int woodCapacity;
public int getGoldCapacity() {
return goldCapacity;
public int getIronCapacity() {
return ironCapacity;
public int getWoodCapacity() {
return woodCapacity;
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.gameobjects;
public class Worker {
private boolean currentlyBuilding;
public boolean isCurrentlyBuilding() {
return currentlyBuilding;
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.player;
public class Player {
<<<<<<< HEAD
public int currentGold;
public int currentIron;
public int currentWood;
public int currentGold;
public int currentIron;
public int currentWood;
>>>>>>> abf784868daa920a9ca8b3b9d291a7cf521aa9c7
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.userinterface;
public class GuiManager {
@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Ported from blt::TableFormatter (C++)
public class Print {
public static class Row {
private final ArrayList<String> values;
public Row(ArrayList<String> row) {
this.values = row;
public Row(){
this.values = new ArrayList<>();
public void add(String value){
public static class Column {
private final String columnName;
private long maxColumnLength = 0;
public Column(String columnName){
this.columnName = columnName;
private final ArrayList<Row> rows = new ArrayList<>();
private final ArrayList<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();
private final String tableName;
private final int columnPadding;
private int maxColumnWidth;
public Print(String tableName, int columnPadding){
this.tableName = tableName;
this.columnPadding = columnPadding;
public Print(){
this("", 2);
private String createPadding(int amount) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++){
builder.append(' ');
return builder.toString();
private String generateTopSelector(long size) {
long sizeOfName = tableName.isEmpty() ? 0 : tableName.length() + 4;
long sizeNameRemoved = size - sizeOfName;
StringBuilder halfWidthLeftSeparator = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder halfWidthRightSeparator = new StringBuilder();
long sizeNameFloor = (long) Math.floor((double)sizeNameRemoved / 2.0);
long sizeNameCeil = (long) Math.ceil((double)sizeNameRemoved / 2.0);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeNameFloor - 1; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < sizeNameCeil - 1; i++)
StringBuilder separator = new StringBuilder();
if (sizeOfName != 0){
separator.append("{ ");
separator.append(" }");
return separator.toString();
private String generateColumnHeader(){
StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++){
Column column = columns.get(i);
double columnPaddingLength = ((int)(column.maxColumnLength) - (int)(column.columnName.length()))/2.0;
header.append(createPadding((int)(columnPadding + (int)Math.floor(columnPaddingLength))));
header.append(createPadding((int)(columnPadding + (int)Math.ceil(columnPaddingLength))));
if (i < columns.size()-1)
return header.toString();
private String generateSeparator(long size) {
int nextIndex = 0;
int currentColumnIndex = 0;
StringBuilder wholeWidthSeparator = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (i == nextIndex) {
System.out.println(currentColumnIndex + " " + nextIndex + " " + size);
int currentColumnSize = (int) (columns.get(currentColumnIndex++).maxColumnLength + columnPadding*2);
nextIndex += currentColumnSize + 1;
} else
return wholeWidthSeparator.toString();
private void updateColumnLengths() {
for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) {
Column column = columns.get(i);
column.maxColumnLength = column.columnName.length();
for (Row row : rows) {
column.maxColumnLength = Math.max(column.maxColumnLength, row.values.get(i).length() - 1);
public long columnSize(Column column) {
return column.columnName.length() + columnPadding * 2L;
public Print addColumn(Column column){
return this;
public Print addRow(Row row) {
if (row.values.size() > columns.size())
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create row with more values than columns!");
if (row.values.size() < columns.size())
for (int i = row.values.size(); i < columns.size(); i++)
return this;
public Print addRow(ArrayList<String> row){
return addRow(new Row(row));
public ArrayList<String> createTable(boolean top, boolean bottom, boolean separators){
ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();
String header = generateColumnHeader();
String topSeparator = generateTopSelector(header.length());
String lineSeparator = generateSeparator(header.length() - 1);
if (top)
for (Row row : rows) {
StringBuilder rowLine = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < row.values.size(); i++){
String value = row.values.get(i);
Column column = columns.get(i);
int spaceLeft = (int)(column.maxColumnLength - value.length());
rowLine.append(createPadding((int)Math.floor(spaceLeft / 2.0) + columnPadding));
rowLine.append(createPadding((int)Math.ceil(spaceLeft / 2.0) + columnPadding));
if (bottom)
return lines;
public ArrayList<String> createBox(){
return new ArrayList<>();
public ArrayList<String> createTable() {
return createTable(true, true, true);
public static void print(ArrayList<String> lines){
for (String line : lines)
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
package ca.cosc3p91.a2.util;
public class Time {
private long timeSeconds;
public Time() {
this.timeSeconds = 0;
protected Time(long timeSeconds) {
this.timeSeconds = timeSeconds;
public Time offsetSeconds(long seconds) {
this.timeSeconds += seconds;
return this;
public Time offsetMinutes(long minutes) {
return offsetSeconds(minutes * 60);
public Time offsetHours(long hours) {
return offsetMinutes(hours * 60);
public Time offsetDays(long days) {
return offsetHours(days * 24);
public Time offsetTime(Time time) {
return offsetSeconds(time.timeSeconds);
public long get() {
return timeSeconds;
public static class FutureTime {
private final Time futureTime;
public FutureTime(Time futureTime) {
this.futureTime = futureTime;
public boolean occurred() {
return getTime().timeSeconds >= futureTime.timeSeconds;
public static Time getTime() {
return new Time(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
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Reference in New Issue