COSC-3P93-Project/Step 3/include/engine/math/vectors.h

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2022-10-20 11:30:15 -04:00
* Created by Brett Terpstra 6920201 on 14/10/22.
* Copyright (c) Brett Terpstra 2022 All Rights Reserved
#ifndef STEP_2_VECTORS_H
#define STEP_2_VECTORS_H
// AVX512 isn't supported on my CPU. We will use AVX2 since it is supported by most modern CPUs
#include "config.h"
2022-11-13 02:15:12 -05:00
//#include <glm/glm.hpp>
//#include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp>
//#include <glm/gtc/type_ptr.hpp>
// I have tested this and when in release mode the O3 optimizations are capable of creating
// far better auto-vectorized results. See the table below for more info.
// but in debug mode using the AVX instructions are far better. As they say, never try to out optimize the compiler - you'll lose.
// in debug mode:
// multiplication
// 2174.43ms normal
// 1483.04ms avx
// division
// 2282.44ms normal
// 1627ms avx
// addition
// 2119.4ms normal
// 1495.77ms avx
// dot
// 1447.9ms normal
// 1088.5ms avx
// cross
// 2840.69ms normal
// 2543.66ms avx
// with release mode
// cross
// 244.144ms normal
// 283.516ms avx
// dot
// 239.759ms normal
// 385.583ms avx
// mul
// 70.9977ms normal
// 286.656ms avx
#define USE_SIMD_CPU
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#include <immintrin.h>
//#include <cmath>
#include "engine/util/std.h"
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namespace Raytracing {
// when running on the CPU it's fine to be a double
// Your CPU may be faster with floats.
// but if we move to the GPU it has to be a float.
// since GPUs generally are far more optimized for floats
// If using AVX or other SIMD instructions it should be double, only to fit into 256bits.
// TODO would be to add support for 128bit AVX vectors.
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// don't change this. (working on a float version)
typedef double PRECISION_TYPE;
union AVXConvert {
struct {
double _x, _y, _z, _w;
__m256d avxData;
class Vec4 {
// makes it easy to convert between AVX and double data types.
union {
struct {
PRECISION_TYPE _x{}, _y{}, _z{}, _w{};
//PRECISION_TYPE _w, _z, _y, _x;
__m256d avxData;
// finally a use for friend!
friend Vec4 operator+(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right);
friend Vec4 operator-(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right);
friend Vec4 operator*(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right);
friend Vec4 operator/(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right);
friend Vec4 operator*(PRECISION_TYPE c, const Vec4& v);
friend Vec4 operator*(const Vec4& v, PRECISION_TYPE c);
friend Vec4 operator/(const Vec4& v, PRECISION_TYPE c);
friend Vec4 operator/(PRECISION_TYPE c, const Vec4& v);
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Vec4(): avxData(_mm256_setzero_pd()) {}
explicit Vec4(const __m256d& data): avxData(data) {}
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Vec4(PRECISION_TYPE x, PRECISION_TYPE y, PRECISION_TYPE z): avxData(_mm256_setr_pd(x, y, z, 0.0)) {
//tlog << x << ":" << _x << " " << y << ":" << _y << " " << z << ":" << _z << "\n";
Vec4(PRECISION_TYPE x, PRECISION_TYPE y, PRECISION_TYPE z, PRECISION_TYPE w): avxData(_mm256_setr_pd(x, y, z, w)) {
//dlog << x << ":" << _x << " " << y << ":" << _y << " " << z << ":" << _z << "\n";
Vec4(const Vec4& vec): avxData(_mm256_setr_pd(vec.x(), vec.y(), vec.z(), vec.w())) {
//ilog << vec.x() << ":" << _x << " " << vec.y() << ":" << _y << " " << vec.z() << ":" << _z << "\n";
// most of the modern c++ here is because clang tidy was annoying me
[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE x() const { return _x; }
[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE y() const { return _y; }
[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE z() const { return _z; }
[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE w() const { return _w; }
[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE r() const { return _x; }
[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE g() const { return _y; }
[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE b() const { return _z; }
[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE a() const { return _w; }
static inline __m256d getVecFromValue(PRECISION_TYPE c) {
return _mm256_set1_pd(c);
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// negation operator
Vec4 operator-() const {
return Vec4{_mm256_mul_pd(getVecFromValue(-1), this->avxData)};
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[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE magnitude() const {
return sqrt(lengthSquared());
[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE lengthSquared() const {
return dot(*this, *this);
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// returns the unit-vector.
[[nodiscard]] inline Vec4 normalize() const {
return Vec4{_mm256_div_pd(avxData, getVecFromValue(magnitude()))};
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// add operator before the vec returns the magnitude
PRECISION_TYPE operator+() const {
return magnitude();
// preforms the dot product of left * right
static inline PRECISION_TYPE dot(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
// multiply the elements of the vectors
__m256d mul = _mm256_mul_pd(left.avxData, right.avxData);
// horizontal add. element 0 and 2 (or 1 and 3) contain the results which we must scalar add.
__m256d sum = _mm256_hadd_pd(mul, mul);
AVXConvert conv {};
conv.avxData = sum;
// boom! dot product. much easier than cross
return conv._x + conv._z;
// preforms the cross product of left X right
// since a general solution to the cross product doesn't exist in 4d
// we are going to ignore the w.
static inline Vec4 cross(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
// shuffle left values for alignment with the cross algorithm
// (read the shuffle selector from right to left) takes the y and places it in the first element of the resultant vector
// takes the z and places it in the second element of the vector
// takes the x element and places it in the 3rd element of the vector
// and then the w element in the last element of the vector
// creating the alignment {left.y(), left.z(), left.x(), left.w()} (as seen in the cross algorithm
__m256d leftLeftShuffle = _mm256_permute4x64_pd(left.avxData, _MM_SHUFFLE(3,0,2,1));
// same thing but produces {right.z(), right.x(), right.y(), right.w()}
__m256d rightLeftShuffle = _mm256_permute4x64_pd(right.avxData, _MM_SHUFFLE(3,1,0,2));
// now we have to do the right side multiplications
// {left.z(), left.x(), left.y(), left.w()}
__m256d leftRightShuffle = _mm256_permute4x64_pd(left.avxData, _MM_SHUFFLE(3,1,0,2));
// {right.y(), right.z(), right.x(), right.w()}
__m256d rightRightShuffle = _mm256_permute4x64_pd(right.avxData, _MM_SHUFFLE(3,0,2,1));
// multiply to do the first step of the cross process
__m256d multiLeft = _mm256_mul_pd(leftLeftShuffle, rightLeftShuffle);
// multiply the right sides of the subtraction sign
__m256d multiRight = _mm256_mul_pd(leftRightShuffle, rightRightShuffle);
// then subtract to produce the cross product
__m256d subs = _mm256_sub_pd(multiLeft, multiRight);
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// yes this looks a lot more complicated, but it should be faster!
/*auto b = Vec4{left.y() * right.z() - left.z() * right.y(),
left.z() * right.x() - left.x() * right.z(),
left.x() * right.y() - left.y() * right.x()};
tlog << b._x << " " << b._y << " " << b._z << "\n";
tlog << conv._x << " " << conv._y << " " << conv._z << "\n\n";*/
return Vec4{subs};
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// adds the two vectors left and right
inline Vec4 operator+(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
return Vec4{_mm256_add_pd(left.avxData, right.avxData)};
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// subtracts the right vector from the left.
inline Vec4 operator-(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
return Vec4{_mm256_sub_pd(left.avxData, right.avxData)};
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// multiples the left with the right
inline Vec4 operator*(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
//dlog << left._x << " " << left._y << " " << left._z << " " << left._w << "\n";
//dlog << right._x << " " << right._y << " " << right._z << " " << right._w << "\n";
//dlog << conv._x << " " << conv._y << " " << conv._z << " " << conv._w << "\n\n";
return Vec4{_mm256_mul_pd(left.avxData, right.avxData)};
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// divides each element individually
inline Vec4 operator/(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
return Vec4{_mm256_div_pd(left.avxData, right.avxData)};
// multiplies the const c with each element in the vector v
inline Vec4 operator*(PRECISION_TYPE c, const Vec4& v) {
return Vec4{_mm256_mul_pd(Vec4::getVecFromValue(c), v.avxData)};
// same as above but for right sided constants
inline Vec4 operator*(const Vec4& v, PRECISION_TYPE c) {
return Vec4{_mm256_mul_pd(v.avxData, Vec4::getVecFromValue(c))};
// divides the vector by the constant c
inline Vec4 operator/(const Vec4& v, PRECISION_TYPE c) {
return Vec4{_mm256_div_pd(v.avxData, Vec4::getVecFromValue(c))};
// divides each element in the vector by over the constant
inline Vec4 operator/(PRECISION_TYPE c, const Vec4& v) {
return Vec4{_mm256_div_pd(Vec4::getVecFromValue(c), v.avxData)};
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2022-10-20 11:30:15 -04:00
// change this if you want
typedef double PRECISION_TYPE;
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class Vec4 {
union xType {
union yType {
union zType {
union wType {
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struct valueType {
xType v1;
yType v2;
zType v3;
wType v4;
// isn't much of a reason to do it this way
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// it's unlikely that we'll need to use the w component but it helps better line up with the GPU and other SIMD type instructions, like what's above.
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valueType value;
Vec4(): value{0, 0, 0, 0} {}
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Vec4(PRECISION_TYPE x, PRECISION_TYPE y, PRECISION_TYPE z): value{x, y, z, 0} {}
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2022-10-20 11:30:15 -04:00
Vec4(const Vec4& vec): value{vec.x(), vec.y(), vec.z(), vec.w()} {}
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[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE x() const { return value.v1.x; }
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[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE y() const { return value.v2.y; }
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[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE z() const { return value.v3.z; }
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[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE w() const { return value.v4.w; }
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[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE r() const { return value.v1.r; }
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[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE g() const { return value.v2.g; }
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[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE b() const { return value.v3.b; }
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[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE a() const { return value.v4.a; }
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// negation operator
Vec4 operator-() const { return {-x(), -y(), -z(), -w()}; }
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[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE magnitude() const {
return sqrt(lengthSquared());
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[[nodiscard]] inline PRECISION_TYPE lengthSquared() const {
return x() * x() + y() * y() + z() * z() + w() * w();
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* returns the unit-vector.
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[[nodiscard]] inline Vec4 normalize() const {
PRECISION_TYPE mag = magnitude();
return {x() / mag, y() / mag, z() / mag, w() / mag};
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* add operator before the vec returns the magnitude
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PRECISION_TYPE operator+() const {
return magnitude();
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* performs the dot product of left * right
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static inline PRECISION_TYPE dot(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
return left.x() * right.x()
+ left.y() * right.y()
+ left.z() * right.z();
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2022-12-13 01:33:31 -05:00
* performs the cross product of left X right
* since a general solution to the cross product doesn't exist in 4d
* we are going to ignore the w.
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static inline Vec4 cross(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
return {left.y() * right.z() - left.z() * right.y(),
left.z() * right.x() - left.x() * right.z(),
left.x() * right.y() - left.y() * right.x()};
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// Utility Functions
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// adds the two vectors left and right
inline Vec4 operator+(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
return {left.x() + right.x(), left.y() + right.y(), left.z() + right.z(), left.w() + right.w()};
// adds all vector axis with a constant
inline Vec4 operator+(const Vec4& left, const PRECISION_TYPE right) {
return {left.x() + right, left.y() + right, left.z() + right, left.w() + right};
// checks if the 3 major axis on the left are less than the right
inline bool operator<(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
return left.x() < right.x() && left.y() < right.y() && left.z() < right.z();
// checks if the 3 major axis on the left are greater than the right
inline bool operator>(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
return left.x() > right.x() && left.y() > right.y() && left.z() > right.z();
// checks if the 3 major axis on the left are less equal than the right
inline bool operator<=(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
return left.x() <= right.x() && left.y() <= right.y() && left.z() <= right.z() && left.w() <= right.w();
// checks if all major axis on the left are greater equal than the right
inline bool operator>=(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
return left.x() >= right.x() && left.y() >= right.y() && left.z() >= right.z() && left.w() >= right.w();
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// subtracts the right vector from the left.
inline Vec4 operator-(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
return {left.x() - right.x(), left.y() - right.y(), left.z() - right.z(), left.w() - right.w()};
// subtracts all vector axis with a constant
inline Vec4 operator-(const Vec4& left, const PRECISION_TYPE right) {
return {left.x() - right, left.y() - right, left.z() - right, left.w() - right};
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// multiples the left with the right
inline Vec4 operator*(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
return {left.x() * right.x(), left.y() * right.y(), left.z() * right.z(), left.w() * right.w()};
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// divides each element individually
inline Vec4 operator/(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
return {left.x() / right.x(), left.y() / right.y(), left.z() / right.z(), left.w() / right.w()};
// multiplies the const c with each element in the vector v
inline Vec4 operator*(const PRECISION_TYPE c, const Vec4& v) {
return {c * v.x(), c * v.y(), c * v.z(), c * v.w()};
// same as above but for right sided constants
inline Vec4 operator*(const Vec4& v, PRECISION_TYPE c) {
return {v.x() * c, v.y() * c, v.z() * c, v.w() * c};
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// divides the vector by the constant c
inline Vec4 operator/(const Vec4& v, PRECISION_TYPE c) {
return {v.x() / c, v.y() / c, v.z() / c, v.w() / c};
// divides each element in the vector by over the constant
inline Vec4 operator/(PRECISION_TYPE c, const Vec4& v) {
return {c / v.x(), c / v.y(), c / v.z(), c / v.w()};
// none of these can be vectorized with AVX instructions
// useful for printing out the vector to stdout
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Vec4& v) {
return out << "Vec4{" << v.x() << ", " << v.y() << ", " << v.z() << ", " << v.w() << "} ";
inline bool operator==(const Vec4& left, const Vec4& right) {
return left.x() == right.x() && left.y() == right.y() && left.z() == right.z() && left.w() == right.w();
2022-10-20 11:30:15 -04:00
class Ray {
// the starting point for our ray
Vec4 start;
// and the direction it is currently traveling
Vec4 direction;
Vec4 inverseDirection;
Ray(const Vec4& start, const Vec4& direction): start(start), direction(direction), inverseDirection(1 / direction) {}
[[nodiscard]] Vec4 getStartingPoint() const { return start; }
[[nodiscard]] Vec4 getDirection() const { return direction; }
// not always needed, but it's good to not have to calculate the inverse inside the intersection
// as that would be very every AABB, and that is expensive
[[nodiscard]] Vec4 getInverseDirection() const { return inverseDirection; }
// returns a point along the ray, extended away from start by the length.
[[nodiscard]] inline Vec4 along(PRECISION_TYPE length) const { return start + length * direction; }
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Ray& v) {
return out << "Ray{" << v.getStartingPoint() << " " << v.getDirection() << "} ";
2022-10-24 00:40:31 -04:00
// only float supported because GPUs don't like doubles
// well they do but there isn't much of a reason to use them since this is for opengl
class Mat4x4 {
// 4x4 = 16
union dataType {
float single[16];
float dim[4][4];
dataType data{};
friend Mat4x4 operator+(const Mat4x4& left, const Mat4x4& right);
friend Mat4x4 operator-(const Mat4x4& left, const Mat4x4& right);
friend Mat4x4 operator*(const Mat4x4& left, const Mat4x4& right);
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friend Mat4x4 operator*(float c, const Mat4x4& v);
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friend Mat4x4 operator*(const Mat4x4& v, float c);
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friend Mat4x4 operator/(const Mat4x4& v, float c);
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friend Mat4x4 operator/(float c, const Mat4x4& v);
Mat4x4() {
for (float& i : data.single) {
i = 0;
// set identity matrix default
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/*explicit Mat4x4(glm::mat4x4 mat) {
2022-11-13 02:15:12 -05:00
Mat4x4(const Mat4x4& mat) {
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
data.single[i] =[i];
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explicit Mat4x4(const float dat[16]) {
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
data.single[i] = dat[i];
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inline Mat4x4& translate(float x, float y, float z) {
return *this;
inline Mat4x4& translate(const Vec4& vec) {
return *this;
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inline Mat4x4& scale(float x, float y, float z) {
return *this;
inline Mat4x4& scale(const Vec4& vec) {
return *this;
float* ptr() {
return data.single;
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Mat4x4& transpose() {
Mat4x4 copy{*this};
return *this;
// Due to the conversion between the 2d array -> 1d array we must transpose the values.
// the old system has been archived (commented) for future debugging
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m00() const { return data.dim[0][0]; }
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m10() const { return data.dim[1][0]; }
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m20() const { return data.dim[2][0]; }
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m30() const { return data.dim[3][0]; }
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m01() const { return data.dim[0][1]; }
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m11() const { return data.dim[1][1]; }
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m21() const { return data.dim[2][1]; }
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m31() const { return data.dim[3][1]; }
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m02() const { return data.dim[0][2]; }
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m12() const { return data.dim[1][2]; }
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m22() const { return data.dim[2][2]; }
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m32() const { return data.dim[3][2]; }
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m03() const { return data.dim[0][3]; }
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m13() const { return data.dim[1][3]; }
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m23() const { return data.dim[2][3]; }
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m33() const { return data.dim[3][3]; }
// [[nodiscard]] inline float m(int i, int j) const { return data.dim[i][j]; };
// inline float m00(float d) { return data.dim[0][0] = d; }
// inline float m10(float d) { return data.dim[1][0] = d; }
// inline float m20(float d) { return data.dim[2][0] = d; }
// inline float m30(float d) { return data.dim[3][0] = d; }
// inline float m01(float d) { return data.dim[0][1] = d; }
// inline float m11(float d) { return data.dim[1][1] = d; }
// inline float m21(float d) { return data.dim[2][1] = d; }
// inline float m31(float d) { return data.dim[3][1] = d; }
// inline float m02(float d) { return data.dim[0][2] = d; }
// inline float m12(float d) { return data.dim[1][2] = d; }
// inline float m22(float d) { return data.dim[2][2] = d; }
// inline float m32(float d) { return data.dim[3][2] = d; }
// inline float m03(float d) { return data.dim[0][3] = d; }
// inline float m13(float d) { return data.dim[1][3] = d; }
// inline float m23(float d) { return data.dim[2][3] = d; }
// inline float m33(float d) { return data.dim[3][3] = d; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m00() const { return data.dim[0][0]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m10() const { return data.dim[0][1]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m20() const { return data.dim[0][2]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m30() const { return data.dim[0][3]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m01() const { return data.dim[1][0]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m11() const { return data.dim[1][1]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m21() const { return data.dim[1][2]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m31() const { return data.dim[1][3]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m02() const { return data.dim[2][0]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m12() const { return data.dim[2][1]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m22() const { return data.dim[2][2]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m32() const { return data.dim[2][3]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m03() const { return data.dim[3][0]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m13() const { return data.dim[3][1]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m23() const { return data.dim[3][2]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m33() const { return data.dim[3][3]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline float m(int i, int j) const { return data.dim[i][j]; };
inline float m00(float d) { return data.dim[0][0] = d; }
inline float m10(float d) { return data.dim[0][1] = d; }
inline float m20(float d) { return data.dim[0][2] = d; }
inline float m30(float d) { return data.dim[0][3] = d; }
inline float m01(float d) { return data.dim[1][0] = d; }
inline float m11(float d) { return data.dim[1][1] = d; }
inline float m21(float d) { return data.dim[1][2] = d; }
inline float m31(float d) { return data.dim[1][3] = d; }
inline float m02(float d) { return data.dim[2][0] = d; }
inline float m12(float d) { return data.dim[2][1] = d; }
inline float m22(float d) { return data.dim[2][2] = d; }
inline float m32(float d) { return data.dim[2][3] = d; }
inline float m03(float d) { return data.dim[3][0] = d; }
inline float m13(float d) { return data.dim[3][1] = d; }
inline float m23(float d) { return data.dim[3][2] = d; }
inline float m33(float d) { return data.dim[3][3] = d; }
inline float m(int i, int j, float d) { return data.dim[i][j] = d; };
// inline float* operator [](int _i) {
// return data.dim[_i];
// }
[[nodiscard]] PRECISION_TYPE determinant() const {
return m00() * (m11() * m22() * m33() + m12() * m23() * m31() + m13() * m21() * m32()
- m31() * m22() * m13() - m32() * m23() * m11() - m33() * m21() * m12())
- m10() * (m01() * m22() * m33() + m02() * m23() * m31() + m03() * m21() * m32()
- m31() * m32() * m03() - m32() * m23() * m01() - m33() * m21() * m02())
+ m20() * (m01() * m12() * m33() + m02() * m13() * m31() + m03() * m11() * m32()
- m31() * m12() * m03() - m32() * m13() * m01() - m33() * m11() * m02())
- m30() * (m01() * m12() * m23() + m02() * m13() * m21() + m03() * m11() * m22()
- m21() * m12() * m03() - m22() * m13() * m01() - m23() * m11() * m02());
// adds the two Mat4x4 left and right
inline Mat4x4 operator+(const Mat4x4& left, const Mat4x4& right) {
2022-10-24 00:40:31 -04:00
float data[16];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
data[i] =[i] +[i];
return Mat4x4{data};
// subtracts the right Mat4x4 from the left.
inline Mat4x4 operator-(const Mat4x4& left, const Mat4x4& right) {
2022-10-24 00:40:31 -04:00
float data[16];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
data[i] =[i] -[i];
return Mat4x4{data};
// since matrices are made identity by default, we need to create the result collector matrix without identity
// otherwise the diagonal will be 1 off and cause weird results (see black screen issue)
constexpr float emptyMatrix[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0};
// multiples the left with the right
inline Mat4x4 operator*(const Mat4x4& left, const Mat4x4& right) {
Mat4x4 mat{emptyMatrix};
// TODO: check avx with this??
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
mat.m(i, j, mat.m(i, j) + left.m(i, k) * right.m(k, j));
return mat;
// multiplies the const c with each element in the Mat4x4 v
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inline Mat4x4 operator*(float c, const Mat4x4& v) {
Mat4x4 mat{};
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {[i] = c *[i];
return mat;
// same as above but for right sided constants
2022-10-24 00:40:31 -04:00
inline Mat4x4 operator*(const Mat4x4& v, float c) {
Mat4x4 mat{};
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {[i] =[i] * c;
return mat;
// divides the Mat4x4 by the constant c
2022-10-24 00:40:31 -04:00
inline Mat4x4 operator/(const Mat4x4& v, float c) {
Mat4x4 mat{};
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {[i] =[i] / c;
return mat;
// divides each element in the Mat4x4 by over the constant
2022-10-24 00:40:31 -04:00
inline Mat4x4 operator/(float c, const Mat4x4& v) {
Mat4x4 mat{};
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {[i] = c /[i];
return mat;
2022-10-20 11:30:15 -04:00
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Mat4x4& v) {
return out << "\rMatrix4x4{" << v.m00() << ", " << v.m01() << ", " << v.m02() << ", " << v.m03() << "} \n"\
<< " {" << v.m10() << ", " << v.m11() << ", " << v.m12() << ", " << v.m13() << "} \n"\
<< " {" << v.m20() << ", " << v.m21() << ", " << v.m22() << ", " << v.m23() << "} \n"\
<< " {" << v.m30() << ", " << v.m31() << ", " << v.m32() << ", " << v.m33() << "} \n";
2022-10-20 11:30:15 -04:00
#endif //STEP_2_VECTORS_H