COSC-3P93-Project/Step 3/src
Brett 17c7942405 Fixed AABB Sizing issue.
Fixed is a strong word. TODO: I have solved the problem by using isEmpty to tell when it's a fresh AABB
and just returing the passed AABB as the new expanded AABB. This feels lazy and I expect it'll cause issues in the future.
Plus it isn't truely correct and the context which uses it could just use the first obj AABB since there is only 1 object
2022-11-15 00:53:21 -05:00
engine Fixed AABB Sizing issue. 2022-11-15 00:53:21 -05:00
graphics Raytracing camera now losely follows the debug camera 2022-11-14 20:44:49 -05:00