Index of all Fields and Methods
All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


AboutBox(Frame). Constructor for class .AboutBox
action(Event, Object). Method in class .BreedFrame
Trap Button events.
action(Event, Object). Method in class .BreedingPanel
Trap TextField events and Button events.
action(Event, Object). Method in class .ControlPanel
Trap button clicks in the ControlPanel and flip to the appropriate card in the IndexPanel.
action(Event, Object). Method in class .ErrorFrame
action(Event, Object). Method in class .GeneralPanel
Trap TextField events and send the focus to the next field on the panel.
action(Event, Object). Method in class .InfoDialog
action(Event, Object). Method in class .InitializationPanel
Trap TextField events and send the focus to the next field on the panel.
action(Event, Object). Method in class .MainWindow
Trap menu events and call the appropriate method.
action(Event, Object). Method in class .OutputPanel
Trap TextField events and send the focus to the next field on the panel.
action(Event, Object). Method in class .PhasePanel
Trap input events and determine which set of UI components should be visible based on the user's selections.
action(Event, Object). Method in class .SizeLimitsPanel
Trap TextField events and send the focus to the next field on the panel.
action(Event, Object). Method in class .SubPopFrame
Trap Button events.
action(Event, Object). Method in class .SubPopsPanel
Trap TextField events and Button events.
addComponent(Component, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class .GridBagPanel
A generic method that allows you to add a Component to the GridBagPanel and specify all of the GridBagConstraints at the same time.
addLayoutComponent(String, Component). Method in class .BulletinLayout
addLayoutComponent(String, Component). Method in class .ScrollerLayout
addNotify(). Method in class .GroupPanel
addToDB(String, String). Method in class .ParameterDB
This method allows external classes to request that a parameter be added to the database.
arch. Static variable in class .lilgpSetup


backgroundPaint(Graphics). Method in class .SubPopGraph
The method that actually does all of the drawing.
BreedFrame(int). Constructor for class .BreedFrame
Add each of the UI components needed to accept input.
BreedingPanel(). Constructor for class .BreedingPanel
Add each of the UI components needed to accept input.
BulletinLayout(). Constructor for class .BulletinLayout


ClickableLabel(String). Constructor for class .ClickableLabel
Most classes will use this constructor method.
ClickableLabel(String, boolean). Constructor for class .ClickableLabel
This constructor method is only used by ClickableLabels placed in the BreedFrame.
clickedNoButton(). Method in class .QuitBox
clickedYesButton(). Method in class .QuitBox
ComponentScroller(). Constructor for class .ComponentScroller
ComponentScroller(Component). Constructor for class .ComponentScroller
ControlClickEvent(Object, Event). Constructor for class .ControlClickEvent
Create a new event, but set the id field to -1 so that our custom event is not mistaken for something else when it propagates into other components
ControlPanel(). Constructor for class .ControlPanel
Create a new GridLayout manager and add the buttons.
count. Variable in class .Exchange
cp. Variable in class .MainWindow
CTRL_CLICK. Static variable in class .ControlClickEvent


delFromDB(String). Method in class .ParameterDB
This method allows external classes to request that a parameter be deleted from the database.
displayErrors(). Method in class .ParameterDB
This method is responsible for creating the ErrorFrame.
dump(). Method in class .ParameterDB
A useful debugging method that dumps the contents of the database


enableButtons(). Static method in class .BreedingPanel
Allow the BreedFrame to re-enable the button after the user closes the frame.
enableButtons(). Static method in class .SubPopsPanel
Allow the SubPopFrame to re-enable the buttons after the user closes the frame.
endl. Static variable in class .lilgpSetup
endl. Static variable in class .ParameterDB
ErrorFrame(Vector). Constructor for class .ErrorFrame
Exchange(Exchange). Constructor for class .Exchange
This constructor allows you to create a new exchange from an existing one
Exchange(String, String, String, String, String, String). Constructor for class .Exchange
This constructor allows you to specify each field of the object
exchanges. Variable in class .SubPopGraph


fliptoPanel(Object). Static method in class .IndexPanel
This static class method allows the event handler in the ControlPanel to trigger a card flip.
flushAllPanels(). Method in class .ControlPanel
Call the flushParameters() method in each of the parameter classes.
flushParameters(). Static method in class .BreedingPanel
Collect the contents of each UI component and store it in the ParameterDB.
flushParameters(). Static method in class .GeneralPanel
Collect the contents of each UI component and store it in the ParameterDB.
flushParameters(). Static method in class .InitializationPanel
Collect the contents of each UI component and store it in the ParameterDB.
flushParameters(). Static method in class .OutputPanel
Collect the contents of each UI component and store it in the ParameterDB.
flushParameters(). Method in class .PhasePanel
Collect the contents of each UI component and store it in the ParameterDB.
flushParameters(). Static method in class .SizeLimitsPanel
Collect the contents of each UI component and store it in the ParameterDB.
flushParameters(). Static method in class .SubPopsPanel
Collect the contents of each UI component and store it in the ParameterDB.
flushParameters(). Static method in class .UserDefinedPanel
fromPop. Variable in class .Exchange
fromSelect. Variable in class .Exchange


GeneralPanel(). Constructor for class .GeneralPanel
Add each of the UI components needed to accept input.
getElements(). Method in class .ParameterDB
This method allows external classes to request an Enumeration of the elements in the parameter database.
getHorizontalScrollbar(). Method in class .Scroller
getKeys(). Method in class .ParameterDB
This method allows external classes to request an Enumeration of the keys in the parameter database.
getLabel(). Method in class .ClickableLabel
Accessor method for the label.
getProp(String). Method in class .ParameterDB
This method allows external classes to request a specific parameter in the database.
getScrollAreaSize(). Method in class .ComponentScroller
getScrollAreaSize(). Method in class .Scroller
getVerticalScrollbar(). Method in class .Scroller
getViewport(). Method in class .Scroller
graphHeight. Static variable in class .SubPopGraph
graphWidth. Static variable in class .SubPopGraph
GridBagPanel(). Constructor for class .GridBagPanel
Instantiate a new Panel and set its layout manager to be GridBagLayout.
GroupPanel(String). Constructor for class .GroupPanel
Create a new object and assign the title string


handleEvent(Event). Method in class .AboutBox
handleEvent(Event). Method in class .MainWindow
handleEvent(Event). Method in class .QuitBox
handleEvent(Event). Method in class .Scroller
handleEvent(Event). Method in class .UserDefinedPanel
hbar. Variable in class .Scroller


IndexPanel(). Constructor for class .IndexPanel
Instantiate each of the parameter panels and add them to the CardLayout manager in the IndexPanel.
InfoDialog(String). Constructor for class .InfoDialog
InitializationPanel(). Constructor for class .InitializationPanel
Add each of the UI components needed to accept input.
insets(). Method in class .GroupPanel
Create new insets
ip. Variable in class .MainWindow
isAlive. Static variable in class .ErrorFrame


key. Variable in class .Exchange
keyDown(Event, int). Method in class .SubPopFrame
if there is a selected exchange and the user has not clicked the edit button, deselect the exchange so it doesn't look like they are editing it.


layoutContainer(Container). Method in class .BulletinLayout
layoutContainer(Container). Method in class .ScrollerLayout
lilgpSetup(). Constructor for class .lilgpSetup
loadParams(). Static method in class .BreedFrame
This method is responsible for cycling through each of the phase panels and invoking their loadParams() method.
loadParams(). Static method in class .BreedingPanel
This method is responsible for loading parameters onto the BreedingPanel after the user opens a parameter file.
loadParams(). Static method in class .GeneralPanel
This method is responsible for loading parameters onto the GeneralPanel after the user opens a parameter file.
loadParams(). Static method in class .InitializationPanel
This method is responsible for loading parameters onto the InitializationPanel after the user opens a parameter file.
loadParams(). Static method in class .OutputPanel
This method is responsible for loading parameters onto the OutputPanel after the user opens a parameter file.
loadParams(). Method in class .PhasePanel
This method is responsible for loading parameters on each of the phase panels after the user opens a parameter file.
loadParams(). Static method in class .SizeLimitsPanel
loadParams(). Method in class .SubPopFrame
This methos is responsible for loading parameters into the exchange hashtable and refreshing the sub-pop graph.
loadParams(). Static method in class .SubPopsPanel
This method is responsible for loading parameters onto the SubPopsPanel after the user opens a parameter file.
loadParams(). Static method in class .UserDefinedPanel


main(String[]). Static method in class .lilgpSetup
Create the MainWindow and the ParameterDB.
MainWindow(). Constructor for class .MainWindow
Constructs the menus and two sub-panels.
manageHorizontalScrollbar(). Method in class .Scroller
manageScrollbars(). Method in class .Scroller
manageVerticalScrollbar(). Method in class .Scroller
minimumLayoutSize(Container). Method in class .BulletinLayout
minimumLayoutSize(Container). Method in class .ScrollerLayout
minimumSize(). Method in class .ClickableLabel
Defines the minimum size to be the same the preferred size
minimumSize(). Method in class .SubPopGraph
Calculate the minimum size of the panel
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class .ClickableLabel
Detect MOUSE_DOWN events and create a new CTRL_CLICK event defined in the ControlClickEvent class.
mw. Static variable in class .lilgpSetup


notFalse(boolean). Static method in class .Assert
notFalse(boolean, String). Static method in class .Assert
notNull(Object). Static method in class .Assert
notNull(Object, String). Static method in class .Assert


OLDsave(String). Method in class .ParameterDB
This method is responsible for generating the output file that will be used as input for lil-gp.
open(String). Method in class .ParameterDB
This method is repsonsible for opening an existing parameter file and reading the contents into a temporary hashtable.
OutputPanel(). Constructor for class .OutputPanel
Add each of the UI components needed to accept input.


paint(Graphics). Method in class .ClickableLabel
Draw the label on the canvas.
paint(Graphics). Method in class .GroupPanel
Paint the border around the group param g the graphics object
paint(Graphics). Method in class .Scroller
paint(Graphics). Method in class .SubPopGraph
The overridden paint method responsible for figuring out if we are double-buffered or not and then dispatching the drawing
ParameterDB(). Constructor for class .ParameterDB
The constructor method is responsible for creating a default Property object and instantiating the main Property object.
params. Static variable in class .lilgpSetup
paramString(). Method in class .ClickableLabel
Create the event argument
paramString(). Method in class .ControlClickEvent
Construct the argument field.
parse(). Method in class .ParameterDB
This method simply adds informative comments to the error Vector add calls the appropriate parse methods for each panel.
PhasePanel(int). Constructor for class .PhasePanel
Add each of the UI components needed to accept input.
preferredLayoutSize(Container). Method in class .BulletinLayout
preferredLayoutSize(Container). Method in class .ScrollerLayout
preferredSize(). Method in class .ClickableLabel
Calculate the preferred size based on the current font settings
preferredSize(). Method in class .SubPopGraph
Calculate the preferred size of the panel
purgeOldPhases(). Method in class .ParameterDB
This method will purge all parameters associated with breeding phases from the database.
purgeOldSubPopExchanges(). Method in class .ParameterDB
This method will purge all of the parameters associated with exchanges between sub-populations.
purgeOldSubPopParameters(). Method in class .ParameterDB
This method purges the parameters associated with multiple sub-populations, but does not purge the parameters associated with the actual sub-pop exchanges.
purgeUserDefinedParameters(). Method in class .ParameterDB


QuitBox(Frame). Constructor for class .QuitBox


radius. Static variable in class .SubPopGraph
refreshGraph(Exchange[]). Method in class .SubPopGraph
After accepting a new set of exchanges, redraw the sub pop graph
removeLayoutComponent(Component). Method in class .BulletinLayout
removeLayoutComponent(Component). Method in class .ScrollerLayout
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class .ClickableLabel
Reshape the label
resize(int, int). Method in class .ClickableLabel
Specify a new width and height for the label


save(String). Method in class .ParameterDB
scroll(). Method in class .Scroller
scrollAbsolute(Event). Method in class .Scroller
Scroller(). Constructor for class .Scroller
ScrollerLayout(Scroller). Constructor for class .ScrollerLayout
scrollLineDown(Event). Method in class .Scroller
scrollLineUp(Event). Method in class .Scroller
scrollPageDown(Event). Method in class .Scroller
scrollPageUp(Event). Method in class .Scroller
scrollTo(int, int). Method in class .ComponentScroller
scrollTo(int, int). Method in class .Scroller
selectedAbout(). Method in class .MainWindow
Show the user who wrote the software and who his advisor is
selectedExit(). Method in class .MainWindow
Open a dialog that asks the user if they really want to quit.
selectedHelp(). Method in class .MainWindow
Open the lilgpHelp subsystem.
selectedOpen(). Method in class .MainWindow
This method is called when the user selects File -> Open
selectedSaveAs(). Method in class .MainWindow
This method is called when the user selects File -> SaveAs
setBackground(Color). Method in class .GroupPanel
Set the background color
setComponent(Component). Method in class .ComponentScroller
setHorizontalLineAndPageIncrements(). Method in class .Scroller
setHorizontalScrollbarValues(). Method in class .Scroller
setInsets(Insets). Method in class .ClickableLabel
Change the insets
setScrollbarValues(). Method in class .Scroller
setVerticalLineAndPageIncrements(). Method in class .Scroller
setVerticalScrollbarValues(). Method in class .Scroller
show(). Method in class .MainWindow
show(). Method in class .QuitBox
showGraphFrame(). Method in class .SubPopFrame
This method is called by the SubPopPanel when the user clicks on the go button to reshow the sub-pop graph Frame.
SizeLimitsPanel(). Constructor for class .SizeLimitsPanel
Add each of the UI components needed to accept input.
SubPopFrame(int, boolean). Constructor for class .SubPopFrame
Add each of the UI components needed to accept input.
SubPopGraph(SubPopFrame, int). Constructor for class .SubPopGraph
Initialize instance variables and resize the panel
SubPopsPanel(). Constructor for class .SubPopsPanel
Add each of the UI components needed to accept input.


TitlePanel(String). Constructor for class .TitlePanel
Set up a font and print the title on a yellow background
toPop. Variable in class .Exchange
toSelect. Variable in class .Exchange


update(Graphics). Method in class .Scroller
updateErrors(Vector). Method in class .ErrorFrame
Erase the contents of the text area and show the new errors
UserDefinedPanel(). Constructor for class .UserDefinedPanel


vbar. Variable in class .Scroller
viewport. Variable in class .Scroller