asio C++ library


Daytime.6 - An asynchronous UDP daytime server

The main() function
int main()

Create a server object to accept incoming client requests, and run the io_context object.

    asio::io_context io_context;
    udp_server server(io_context);;
  catch (std::exception& e)
    std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;

  return 0;
The udp_server class
class udp_server

The constructor initialises a socket to listen on UDP port 13.

  udp_server(asio::io_context& io_context)
    : local_socket(io_context, udp::endpoint(udp::v4(), 13))

  void start_receive()

The function ip::udp::socket::async_receive_from() will cause the application to listen in the background for a new request. When such a request is received, the io_context object will invoke the handle_receive() function with two arguments: a value of type error_code indicating whether the operation succeeded or failed, and a size_t value bytes_transferred specifying the number of bytes received.

        asio::buffer(recv_buffer_), remote_connection,
        boost::bind(&udp_server::handle_receive, this,

The function handle_receive() will service the client request.

  void handle_receive(const asio::error_code& error,
      std::size_t /*bytes_transferred*/)

The error parameter contains the result of the asynchronous operation. Since we only provide the 1-byte recv_buffer_ to contain the client's request, the io_context object would return an error if the client sent anything larger. We can ignore such an error if it comes up.

    if (!error)

Determine what we are going to send.

      boost::shared_ptr<std::string> message(
          new std::string(make_daytime_string()));

We now call ip::udp::socket::async_send_to() to serve the data to the client.

      local_socket.async_send_to(asio::buffer(*message), remote_connection,
          boost::bind(&udp_server::handle_send, this, message,

When initiating the asynchronous operation, and if using boost::bind, you must specify only the arguments that match the handler's parameter list. In this program, both of the argument placeholders (asio::placeholders::error and asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred) could potentially have been removed.

Start listening for the next client request.


Any further actions for this client request are now the responsibility of handle_send().


The function handle_send() is invoked after the service request has been completed.

  void handle_send(boost::shared_ptr<std::string> /*message*/,
      const asio::error_code& /*error*/,
      std::size_t /*bytes_transferred*/)

  udp::socket local_socket;
  udp::endpoint remote_connection;
  boost::array<char, 1> recv_buffer_;

See the full source listing

Return to the tutorial index

Previous: Daytime.5 - A synchronous UDP daytime server

Next: Daytime.7 - A combined TCP/UDP asynchronous server
