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## Block
#### Block.fromStateId(stateId, biomeId)
#### Block.fromString(stateString, biomeId)
* `stateString` is the string representation of a block
* `biomeId` is the biome numerical id
#### Block(type,biomeId,metadata)
Constructor of a block
* `type` is the block numerical id
* `biomeId` is the biome numerical id
* `metadata` is the metadata numerical value
#### block.canHarvest(heldItemType)
Tells you if `heldItemType` is one of the right tool to harvest the block.
* `heldItemType` the id of the held item (or null if nothing is held)
#### block.getProperties()
Parse the block state and return its properties.
#### block.digTime(heldItemType, creative, inWater, notOnGround, enchantments = [], effects = {})
Tells you how long it will take to dig the block, in milliseconds.
* `heldItemType` the id of the held item (or null if nothing is held)
* `creative` game in creative
* `inWater` the bot is in water
* `notOnGround` the bot is not on the ground
* `enchantments` list of enchantments from the held item (from simplified nbt data) **AND** equipped armor - Aqua Affinity enchantment on helmet also affects breaking speed
* `effects` effects on the bot (bot.entity.effects)
#### block.position
Vec3 instance.
#### block.type
Numerical id.
#### block.name
#### block.displayName
#### block.shapes
Array of bounding boxes representing the block shape. Each bounding box is an array of the form `[xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax]`. Depends on the type and state of the block.
#### block.entity
If this block is a block entity, this contains the NBT data for the entity
#### block.blockEntity
Simplified block entity data using prismarine-nbt's simplify() function. Only for reading - data modified here cannot be saved back later.
#### block.metadata
Number which represents different things depending on the block.
See http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Data_values#Data
#### block.light
#### block.skyLight
#### block.hardness
#### block.biome
A biome instance. See [Biome](https://github.com/prismarinejs/prismarine-biome#api).
#### block.signText
If the block is a sign, contains the sign text.
#### block.painting
If the block is a painting, contains information about the painting.
* `id`
* `position`
* `name`
* `direction` - direction vector telling how the painting is facing.
#### block.diggable
Boolean, whether the block is considered diggable.
#### block.boundingBox
The shape of the block according to the physics engine's collision decection. Currently one of:
* `block` - currently, partially solid blocks, such as half-slabs and ladders, are considered entirely solid.
* `empty` - such as flowers and lava.
#### block.transparent
Boolean, true if the block texture has some transparency.
#### block.material
This tells what types of tools will be effective against the block. Possible
values are: `null`, `rock`, `wood`, `plant`, `melon`, `leaves`, `dirt`, `web`, and `wool`.
See http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Digging and the `toolMultipliers`
variable at the top of lib/plugins/digging.js for more info.
#### block.harvestTools
The set of tools that will allow you to harvest the block.
#### block.drops
The blocks or items dropped by that block.
## Block entities
Some blocks may have entity data attached to them. If they do, they contain extra fields which can manipulate the entity NBT data
### sign
#### setSignText (front, back)
Sets the text for the sign, can be plaintext, or array of JSON or prismarine-chat instances.
#### getSignText (): [string, string?]
Gets the plain text content of the sign, the first item of the array returned and the second is the back and will be undefined for versions that don't support writing on the back of signs.
#### get .signText
Deprecated, returns a plaintext string containing the sign's text
#### set .signText
Deprecated, sets the text for a sign's text, can be plaintext, or array of JSON or prismarine-chat instances