131 lines
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131 lines
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# git-url-parse [![PayPal](https://img.shields.io/badge/%24-paypal-f39c12.svg)][paypal-donations] [![Travis](https://img.shields.io/travis/IonicaBizau/git-url-parse.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/IonicaBizau/git-url-parse/) [![Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/git-url-parse.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/git-url-parse) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dt/git-url-parse.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/git-url-parse) [![Get help on Codementor](https://cdn.codementor.io/badges/get_help_github.svg)](https://www.codementor.io/johnnyb?utm_source=github&utm_medium=button&utm_term=johnnyb&utm_campaign=github)
> A high level git url parser for common git providers.
## Installation
$ npm i --save git-url-parse
## Example
// Dependencies
const GitUrlParse = require("git-url-parse");
// => {
// protocols: []
// , port: null
// , resource: "github.com"
// , user: "git"
// , pathname: "/IonicaBizau/node-git-url-parse.git"
// , hash: ""
// , search: ""
// , href: "git@github.com:IonicaBizau/node-git-url-parse.git"
// , token: ""
// , protocol: "ssh"
// , toString: [Function]
// , source: "github.com"
// , name: "node-git-url-parse"
// , owner: "IonicaBizau"
// }
// => {
// protocols: ["https"]
// , port: null
// , resource: "github.com"
// , user: ""
// , pathname: "/IonicaBizau/node-git-url-parse.git"
// , hash: ""
// , search: ""
// , href: "https://github.com/IonicaBizau/node-git-url-parse.git"
// , token: ""
// , protocol: "https"
// , toString: [Function]
// , source: "github.com"
// , name: "node-git-url-parse"
// , owner: "IonicaBizau"
// }
// => "git@github.com:IonicaBizau/node-git-url-parse.git"
// => "https://github.com/IonicaBizau/node-git-url-parse.git"
## Documentation
### `gitUrlParse(url)`
Parses a Git url.
#### Params
- **String** `url`: The Git url to parse.
#### Return
- **GitUrl** The `GitUrl` object containing:
- `protocols` (Array): An array with the url protocols (usually it has one element).
- `port` (null|Number): The domain port.
- `resource` (String): The url domain (including subdomains).
- `user` (String): The authentication user (usually for ssh urls).
- `pathname` (String): The url pathname.
- `hash` (String): The url hash.
- `search` (String): The url querystring value.
- `href` (String): The input url.
- `protocol` (String): The git url protocol.
- `token` (String): The oauth token (could appear in the https urls).
- `source` (String): The Git provider (e.g. `"github.com"`).
- `owner` (String): The repository owner.
- `name` (String): The repository name.
- `full_name` (String): The owner and name values in the `owner/name` format.
- `toString` (Function): A function to stringify the parsed url into another url type.
- `organization` (String): The organization the owner belongs to. This is CloudForge specific.
### `stringify(obj, type)`
Stringifies a `GitUrl` object.
#### Params
- **GitUrl** `obj`: The parsed Git url object.
- **String** `type`: The type of the stringified url (default `obj.protocol`).
#### Return
- **String** The stringified url.
## How to contribute
Have an idea? Found a bug? See [how to contribute][contributing].
## Where is this library used?
If you are using this library in one of your projects, add it in this list. :sparkles:
- [`git-issues`](https://github.com/softwarescales/git-issues) by Gabriel Petrovay
- [`github-publish-npm`](https://github.com/ofersadgat/github-publish-npm) by Ofer Sadgat
- [`gpm`](https://github.com/IonicaBizau/gpm)
- [`gtni`](https://nmrony.github.io/gtni) by Nur Mohammed Rony
- [`nodeschool-admin`](https://github.com/nodeschool/admin#readme) by Martin Heidegger
- [`ogh`](https://github.com/egoist/ogh#readme) by EGOIST
- [`ssh-remote`](https://github.com/IonicaBizau/ssh-remote)
- [`strapper`](https://npmjs.com/package/strapper) by Sam Newman
## License
[MIT][license] © [Ionică Bizău][website]
[paypal-donations]: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=RVXDDLKKLQRJW
[donate-now]: http://i.imgur.com/6cMbHOC.png
[license]: http://showalicense.com/?fullname=Ionic%C4%83%20Biz%C4%83u%20%3Cbizauionica%40gmail.com%3E%20(http%3A%2F%2Fionicabizau.net)&year=2015#license-mit
[website]: http://ionicabizau.net
[contributing]: /CONTRIBUTING.md
[docs]: /DOCUMENTATION.md |